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Insert in Son. Colonel Whitmore's evidence, after the word " document,' in line 1, page 23]qf 1.-6, as follows : —

In exemplification of this I may mention that one or two telegrams signed by me, bit not otherwise franked, were ( ollected at the other end. In reply to your question I believe it to be the practice not to collect a tele *ram unless the word " Collect" ig written on it; but in case of a pri/ate person such a telegram, if unpaid, would not be sent. It is therefore evident that the mere signing of my name did not protect the telegram from being treated and charged for as private, though it was considered to compel its being forwarded. In fact, at one end or the other, such telegrams were practically certain to be charged by the department, if by accident they escaped my attention, and that of my private secretary.