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37. Then your certificate is simply a certificate by you that the stipulations, provisions, and requirements of the Election Petitions Acts of 185S and 1862 have been complied with so far as relates to finding the bond itself ?—For the purpose of promoting the petition—yes. 38. The clause says no election petition shall be received unless the provisions of clause 3, subsection (2) of the Act of 1862 have been complied with. That is very general, but I understand that you do not read those words as meaning that you are certifying that any provisions and requirements of the Act have been fulfilled except with regard to giving the bond ?—That is all. 39. The words are: " Every petition shall allege the specific grounds upon which the election is impugned." Do I understand you to say that in giving that certificate you do not mean to certify that the requirements have been fulfilled outside the giving the bond ? —That is all that I consider I am called on to certify to. 40. Mr. Montgomery.] I think the question was in evidence before whether Major Campbell considered that the boud of £200, which the Act provides should be given for one member, was sufficient for two ?—I did not consider that question. I considered, as I stated before, that the bond is to secure a bond fide petition. 41. Do you consider that the amount of £200 in a petition against two members complied with the provisions of the Act, or that it should be £200 for each ? —The Act says nothing about one man petitioning against two members. I considered that the £200 bond was to secure the bona fides of the petitioner, and, that having been complied with, I do not consider it to be part of my duty to go beyond it. 42. The Chairman.] Did it strike you, Major Campbell, the petition being against two members, how the requirements of the Act could be fulfilled as to the appointment of a Committee to inquire into this petition ? —As Examiner of Election Bonds I do not see that I have anything to do with that question. 43. What makes me ask is, that the certificate you give is so general. It says the requirements of tho Act have been complied with ?—By the persons promoting that petition —merely a preliminary proceeding before the presentation of the petition to the House. 44. What clause of the Act authorizes your appointment ?—lt is the sth clause of the Act of 1858. 45. Tou consider that appointment confines your duties to the bond alone?—Tes.

Authority : Geobgb Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB79.

Price 6d.]