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Sess. 11.—1879. NEW ZEALAND.


Brought up 18th November, 1879, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the Souse of Representatives. Wednesday, the 22nd Day oe Octobek, 1879. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred the Wanganui Endowed School Bill. Such Committee to consist of Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Bowen, Mr. Wright, Mr. Bryce, Mr. Bain, Mr. Bunny, Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Hislop, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Rollestou, Sir G. Grey, and the mover ; with power to call for persons and papers. Four to be the quorum ; and to report within four weeks." — (Mr. Ballance.)

EEPORT. The Select Committee to whom was referred the Bill intituled " The "Wanganui Endowed School Act, 1879," having fully examined the persons chiefly concerned, and after careful consideration, have the honor to report that they have agreed to the following resolutions: — That, while in some respects the management of the Trust has not been satisfactory, the Committee are of opinion,— 1. That, from circumstances beyond the control of the Trustees, the original design of the endowment has not been and cannot now be fulfilled. 2. That the primary object of the endowment was, under the management of the Church of England, to provide for the educational and industrial training of children of poor and destitute persons of all races. 3. That, with a view to making the most of the endowment, and to the more efficient carrying-out of the objects of the Trust as nearly as may be, the administration should be placed chiefly in the hands of persons residing in the immediate locality. 4. The Committee therefore recommend that the Bill which now stands referred to it should be passed : Provided it is so altered that the Board shall consist of nine members —four to be elected by the "Wanganui District Education Board, and five to bo elected by the General Synod of the Church of England: Provided that at least two of the members elected by the said Synod shall be persons resident within the "Wanganui Education District. 5. That provision should be made for the education of children of all denominations, subject to a conscience clause. 6. That the school should be subject to Government inspection, and the accounts be subject to Government audit. J. Ballance, 18th November, 1879. Chairman. I—l. 4.