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Ayes, 9. —Mr. Allwright, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Moss, Mr. Seddon, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Major Te Wheoro, Mr. Tomoana. Noes, 4.—Mr. Lundon, Mr. Ormond, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Whitaker. So it passed in the affirmative. Ordered, That Mr. Rees and Mr. Sheehan bo summoned to give evidence on Tuesday next, and Mr.'Sutton be informed. On the motion of Mr. Ormond, Resolved, That Mr. Rees have permission to attend to watch the case on the part of his clients, but not to address the Committee except as witness. Consideration postponed until Tuesday next. Committee then adjourned. Ti/esday, 4tk November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Acton Adams, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Reeves, Captain Russell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Major Te Wheoro, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition No. 19, Session 1., from George Davie, reconsidered. Mr. W. L. Rees attended the Committee, and, being duly sworn, gave evidence on the above petition. (Vide Appendix.) Mr. Sheehan, M.H.R., attended the Committee, and, having been duly sworn, also gave evidence on the above petition. (Vide Appendix.) On the motion of Mr. Whitaker, Resolved, That Mr. Cornford and Mr. J. P. Hamlin be summoned to give evidence on the above petition. Proposed by Sir George Grey, That it be an instruction to the Chairman to take steps to have Mr. Worgan produced before the Committee. Upon which a division was taken at the instance of Mr. Whitaker, and the names were taken down as follows :— Ayes, 10.—Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui', Mr. Tawhai, Major Te Wheoro, Colonel Trimble. No, I.—Mr. Whitaker. So the motion was agreed to. Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, sth November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lunclon, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Ormond, Captain Eussell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Major Te Wheoro, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman submitted to the Committee the following copy of a report to be presented to the House : — The Native Affairs Committee have the honor to report that the evidence of George Buckland Worgan, now a prisoner in Wanganui Gaol, is considered essential to enable them to conduct their inquiry, and that the House should be moved to instruct the Keeper of the Wanganui Gaol to send the said George Buckland Worgan in safe custody to the said Committee on the 12th day of November instant, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, in order to his being examined as a witness, and so from time to time, as often as his attendance shall be found necessary by the said Committee ; and that Mr. Speaker be requested to issue his warrant accordingly. Also the following copy of a motion to be made in the House by the Chairman : — That the Keeper of the Wanganui Gaol do bring the said George Buckland Worgan, now a prisoner in that gaol, in safe custody to the Native Affairs Committee, on Wednesday, the 12th of November next, at eleven of the clock, in order to his being examined as a witness, and so from time to time as often as his attendance shall be found necessary by the said Committee, and that Mr. Speaker do issue bis warrant accordingly. Committee then adjourned. Friday, 7th November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Letter from Mr. Sutton, M.H.R., re petition of George Davie, read as follows: — Sir,— Wellington, 6th November, 1879. I have the honor to request that you will cause the following papers to be laid before the Native Affairs Committee in the matter of the petition of George Davie, which were used by plaintiff in each case : — All documents and papers connected with the civil case of Bora Nonoi and Another v. Sutton.