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Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— E pouri ana te Komiti i te poto o te takiwa i a ratou hei tirotirohanga ma ratou c tika ai to whakatau kupu mo runga i nga putake korero o roto i tenei pitihana. 11 Tihema, 1879.

No. 337, Session ll. —Petition of Kati Pahi and 17 Others. Petitioners pray that attention be given to their wants relative to Stewart Island—that a Commissioner may be appointed to inquire into the grievances of the Murihiku people and petitioners. In 1861 Mr. Clarke made a report, which they pray may be set aside, as it was only written in the presence of a few, and the names of certain people were wrongfully included, as they did not belong to the Murihiku people. Some of the petitioners who had a claim to the Island have been excluded. They urge that the Crown grants may be issued immediately after adjustment. I am directed to report as follows: — That the Committee regret that the time at their disposal has not been sufficient to enable them to make such inquiries as would justify them in reporting an opinion on the subject-matter of this petition. 11th December, 1879.

[Translation.] No. 337, Session ll.—Te Pitihana a Kati Pahi me etahi atu 17. E inoi aua nga kai-pitihana kia whakaarohia o ratou take ki nga Moutere-titi. Kia whakaturia he Komihana hei tirotiro i nga mate o nga tangata o Murihiku. Ite tau 1864 ka whakataua etc Karaka, a c inoi ana ratou kia whakakorea no te mea i tuhia kite aroaro o te tokoiti —na whakaurua ana etahi ki roto c hara nei i te iwi o Murihiku, a ko etahi o nga kai-pitihana i whai take ki aua Moutere i waiho ki waho. E inoi ana ratou kia terete whakaputa i nga Karauna karaati i muri tonu ite whakawakanga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— E pouri ana te Komiti mo te poto o te takiwa ia ratou hei tirotirohanga ma ratou c tika ai te whakatau kupu mo runga i nga putake korero o roto i tenei pitihana. 11 Tihema, 1879.

No. 331, Session ll.—Petition of Rawiei Karaha and 105 Others. Petitioners complain that certain lands iv which they have an interest have been sold to Europeans by other Natives—in some cases without their knowledge, and in other cases they have received no money for such sales. They therefore pray that a law may be made by which the disputes between themselves and the Europeans may be finally settled. I am directed to report as follows: — That the Committee regret that the time at their disposal has not been sufficient to enable them to make such inquiries as would justify them in reporting an opinion on the subject-matter of this petition. 11th December, 1879.

[Teanslation.] No. 331, Session ll.—Te Pukapuka-inoi a Rawiei Kaeaha me etahi atu. E XI ana nga kai-inoi ko a ratou whenua kua hokona kite pakeha c etahi Maori —kihai ratou i matau ki taua hokonga, ko etahi kahore i tango moni mo taua hoko. No reira ka tono ratou kia mahia he ture kia mutu ai nga raruraru c tipu ake nei i roto ia ratou me nga pakeha. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— E pouri ana te Komiti mo te poto o te takiwa ia ratou hei tirotirohanga ma ratou c tika ai te whakatau kupu mo runga i nga putake korero o roto i tenei pitihana. 11 Tihema, 1879.

No. 345, Session ll.—Petition of Tini Waata Pakihi and 5 Others. Petitionees state that during the year 1864 the Natives in arms against the Queen destroyed their food and burnt their houses down, destroyed their cauoes, cooking utensils, agricultural implements, to the value of £853 13s. When Mr. James Fulloon was murdered at Whakatane the rebel Natives burnt their schooner "Te Maruiwi," which cost them £366. They also paid £140 for repairing the vessel, making a total cost of £506. In 1865 the Government issued a Proclamation stating that all losses sustained during the war would be inquired into, and a settlement made. That Major Mair and Commissioner Wilson investigated their claim, and sent the particulars to Wellington, where it appears to have remained. I am directed to report as follows: — That the Committee regret that the time at their disposal has not been sufficient to enable them to make such inquiries as would justify them iv reporting an opinion on the subject-matter of this petition. 11th December, 1879.

[Teanslation.] No. 345, Session ll.—Te Pukapuka-inoi a Tini Waata Pakihi me etahi atu. E ki ana nga kai-inoi no te takiwa i mau patu ai nga Maori kite Kuiui i te tau 1864, na aua Maori j 4—L 2.