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[Teanslation.] No. 259, Session II. —Te Pukapuka-inoi a Te Mueea Rangitaumaha me etahi atu 135. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana ko te ture i hangaia i te tau 1877 me te tau 1878 c te Kawanatanga c here nei ratou i nga whenua Maori me whakakore no te mea kanui te raruraru c pa ana ki a ratou i taua ture. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— No te mea c taria ana te hanganga o tetahi ture mo nga whenua Maori c mea ana te Komiti kaore ana kupu kite Whare. 28 Noema, 1879.

No. 240, Session ll.—Petition of Te Peka Moaei and 34 Others. Petitionees state that they are a portion of an important hapu, that their lands had been confiscated by the Government when they confiscated the Moumahaki Block, which is situated on the west side of the Waitotara River, and close to the Mamanga Pa. The boundaries of the land in question are described in tho petition. 1 am directed to report as follows : —■ That the Committee has no information to enable it to decide upon the merits of the petition, but recommends it to the consideration of the Government. 28th November, 1879.

[Teanslation.] No. 240, Session II. —Te Pukapuka-inoi a Te Peka Moaei me etahi atu c 34. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana he tangata ratou no tetahi hapu nui, na ko o ratou whenua kua raupatutia c te Kawanatanga i te raupatutanga i te Poraka o Moumahaki, o takoto ana taua poraka i te taha kite rato ote awa o Waitotara c tata ana te pa o Mamanga; ko nga rohe o taua whenua kei roto ite pitihana. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei:—■ Kaore he korero i te aroaro o tenei Komiti c ahei te whakatau i nga take o te pitihana engari ka tukua atu ma te Kawanatanga c whakaaro. 28 Noema, 1879.

No. 260, Session ll. —Petition of Hoteeene Tawatawa. Petitionee states that a piece of land called Parihaka, near Whangaruru, was taken wrongfully from him. The land was purchased by De Thierry and James Morran at five shillings per acre. There were 2,174 acres ; the petitioner only received £10. If the land is in the hands of the Government, they should pay the balance of the purchase-money. I am directed to report as follows : — That the petition be referred to the Government. 28th November, 1879.

[Translation.] No. 260, Session ll.—Te Pukapuka-inoi a Hoteeene Tawatawa. E ki ana te kai-pitihana i tangohia hetia tetahi piihi whenua i a ia ko Parihaka, c tata ana ki Whangaruru. I hokona te whenua eTe Tere raua ko Hemi Morena c riraa hereui te utu rao te eka. Ko nga eka katoa c 2,174 heoti ano nga moni i riro ite kai-pitihana c £40. Na mehemea kei te Kawanatanga taua whenua me utu o ratou te toenga o nga moni o te hoko. Kua w-hakahaua ahau kia ki penei:— Ko tenei pitihana me tuku atu kite Kawanatanga. 28 Noema, 1879.

Repoet on the Mueihiku Native Reseeves Grants Bill. The Native Affairs Committee, to whom was referred the Bill intituled " The Murihiku Native Reserves Grants Act, 1879," have the honor to report that the Committee thinks that the considera. tion of this Bill should bo left over until next session. 3rd December, 1879.

[Translation.] Kupu Whiriwhibi i runga i te Pice mo nga Kaeaati mo nga Rauui Maoei o Mueihiku. E whai-kupu ana te Komiti mo nga mea Maori mo te Pire mo nga Karaati mo nga Rahui Maori o Murihiku, i tukua ake nei ki a ratou, c mahara ana te Komiti ko te whakaarohanga mo tenei Pire me tuku atu mo tera Paremete. 3 Tihema, 1879.

Repoet on the Standing Oedees relative to Native Petitions. 1 am directed by the Native Affairs Committee to report that the Committee is of opinion that it is not desirable at present to make any alteration in the Standing Orders so far as they relate to Native petitions from persons of the Native race. 3rd December, 1879.