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No. 11, Session II. —Petition of United Fire Brigades. The petitioners pray for free passes on the railways, and such other consideration as may be deemed fit. I am directed to report that the Committee, having considered the petitioners' application, has no special recommendation to make, as it is of opinion that it is a question for the Government to deal with. 29th October, 1879.

No. 95, Session ll. —Petition of Samuel Crickett. The petitioner prays for compensation for improvements made on a certain section of laud at Pokeno, to which he did uot obtain a title. I am directed to report that the Committee recommeud that the Government should pay the petitioner the value of the improvements made by him upon the land. 30th October 1879.

No. 25, Session IL—Petition of Hau-Hau Tramway Company. The petitioners pray that compensation be awarded them for loss sustained by the traffic on their tramway being injured by the construction of a road, while their conditions of contract with the County Council entitled them to compensation in the event of a competing road being constructed. I am directed to report that the petitioners' claim having been inquired into and dealt with by former Committees, and no fresh evidence having been tendered, the Committee see no cause to reopen the case. 30th October, 1879.

No. LO5, Session II. —Petition of James Laney. The petitioner prays that the report of the Public Petitions Committee of 1873 on petitioner's case may be acted on during the present session. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition be referred to the Government, with the view of carrying out the former recommendation of the Committee on the case. 30th October, 1879.

No. 123, Session ll.—Petition of James Nightingale. The petitioner alleges that he has sustained injury while employed as overseer of works at Jackson's Bay Special Settlement, and that he is unable, in consequence of such injury, to perform hard manual labour. He asks for some light employment, or some other relief. I am directed to report that, as it appears from the evidence taken that the petitioner has received injury in the public service, the Committee recommend the Government to give him some employment for which he may be found suitable when any vacancy occurs. 4th November, 1879.

No. 90, Session ll.—Petition of Robert Hall and Others. The petitioners pray for an amendment in " The Slaughterhouses Act, 1877." I am directed to report that, as tho subject-matter of the petition is now under the consideration of the House, the Committee do not deem it necessary to make any special recommendation. 4th November, 1879.

No. 75, Session IL—Petition of J. D. R. Hewitt. The petitioner prays for a reduction of the assessment upon his property under " The Land-Tax Act, 1878." I am directed to report that the Committee do not deem it desirable to review the decisions of the Land-Tax Appeal Courts. 4th November, 1879.

No. 135, Session ll.—Petition of Reginald Bree and Others, of Gore. The petitioners pray for the passing of a special Act to enable the District of Gore to be constituted a municipality under " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1876." I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the provision of section 17 of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1876," which defines the condition under which a municipality can be constituted, be over-ridden by a special Act to give effect to the request of the petitioners. 4th November, 1879.

No. 110, Session ll.—Petition of Thomas Cardon. The petitioner prays for the payment of a reward for procuring, by information, a conviction for cutting timber on Crown lands in the Provincial District of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the Government should inquire into the facts of the case, and if it be found that the petitioner is entitled to the reward that it be paid him as a provincial liability. 4th November, 1879.