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Sess. 11.—1879. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Town Clerk, Invercargill, to the Hon. the Colonial Secrktarv. Sir, — Municipal Offices, Invercargill, New Zealand, 12th February, 1879. 1 have the honor, by direction of the Municipal Council, to request that you will be good enough to move His Excellency the Governor to nominate John Dalgleish, Esq., and William Horatio Hall, Esq., as Trustees for the Invercargill Municipal Sinking Fund, vice Sir John Bichardson, deceased, and Mr. Wood, left the colony. I have, &c, J. B. SCAKDBETT, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Town Clerk.

No. 2. Mr. G. S. Cooper to Mr. P. Dalrymple, Invercargill. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 28th February, 1879. 1 am directed to forward, for your information, a New Zealand Gazette of yesterday's date r containing on page 296 a notification of your appointment by His Excellency the Administrator of the Government to be a Trustee of the Invercargill Municipal Sinking Fund. I hare, &c, Peter Dalrymple, Esq., Invercargill. G. S. Cooper.

No. 3. Mr. (t. S. Cooper to Mr. T. Pratt, Invercargill. Sih,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 28th February, 1879. I am directed to forward, for your information, a New Zealand Gazette of yesterday's date, containing on page 296 a notification of your appointment by His Excellency the Administrator of tha Government to be a Trustee of the Invercargill Municipal Sinking Fund. I have, &c, Thomas Pratt, Esq., Invercargill. G. S. Coopkb.

No. 4. Mr. G. S. Cooper to the Town Clerk, Invercargill. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office, "Wellington, 28th February, 1879. I have the honor, by direction of the Colonial Secretary, to forward for your information a New Zealand Gazette of yesterday's date, containing a notification of the appointment by His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Messrs. Peter Dalrymple and Thomas Pratt to be Trustees of the Invercargill Municipal Sinking Fund. I liave, Ac, The Town Clerk, Invercargill. G. 8. Cooper.