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(13.) No. 3 Rifles; (14.) Naval Brigade. —On the 28th March I inspected these corps. There was a very good muster of each, aud, with the exception of a few carbines, with the cleanliness of which I had to find fault, the arms and accoutrements were in good order. The two companies, formed into three as a battalion, were put through the manual and platoon by the subaltern officers, after which they were drilled as a battalion by Major Morrow, the officer commanding No. 3 Eifles, with whose company I was much pleased. I was much struck with the appearance of the Naval Brigade, who numbered 82 of all ranks present on parade. They reflect the greatest credit upon their commanding officer, Captain Le Boy, whose only grievance was that he had twenty more men than carbines. This company was exercised in the cutlass exercise, which was done most creditably. Before dismissing the parade this evening, Major Morrow brought to my notice, on behalf of the Bifle Volunteers of Auckland, the inferior weapons with which they are armed. I expected before this to have an official report sent to me, which I requested previous to leaving Auckland ; but I promised that I would bring this matter before you in my report. I regret extremely that I was unable, owing to illness, to complete the whole of the inspections according to instructions. I inspected seven corps in the City of Auckland, leaving undone the Otahuhu Eifles, Artillery Cadets, and Engineer Cadets, the parade states of which have been since forwarded to me by Major Derrom. Whilst in Auckland I inspected in numbers as follows : — Officers. Volunteers. Victoria Eifles ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 46 Auckland Scottish ... ... ... ... ... 2 30 Hobson Eifles ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 52 Auckland Engineers ... ... ... ... ... 2 63 A Battery, Auckland Artillery ... ... ... ... 3 63 No. 3 Eifles ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 43 Auckland Naval Brigade ... ... ... ... 2 80 Total... ... ... ... ... 18 , 377 I attach a return forwarded to me by Major Derrom. I have, &c., The Under Secretary for Defence. Geo. Packe, Wellington. Lieut.-Colonel.

Annual Inspection Return of Volunteers, 31st March, 1879.

James Derrom, Major, Commanding Auckland Volunteer District.

Enclosure 3 in No. 1. Major Witiiers to the Under Secretary for Defence. Sir,— Auckland, 23rd June, 1879. Having received instructions to inspect the Volunteers at G-isborne, Napier, Wellington, the West Coast of the Middle Island, and the Lake District for the past volunteer year, I beg to report that I left Auckland on the 10th of February for Gisborne, where I arrived on the afternoon of the 18th; but, as there was no communication between the town and the steamer until 5 p.m., and'no boat coming off again that night, I considered it better to proceed to Napier at once, rather than be detained •in Poverty Bay several days, and to inspect tbe Volunteers at Gisborne on my return.

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