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No. 38. Mr. Fieth to the Assistant Undee Seceetaey. Sic, — Auckland, 14th February, 1879. I have the honor to state that, in accordance with your request, I had made the necessary preparations for properly transhipping the million whitefish ova to arrive by mail steamer "Australia," due yesterday. As my telegram will have informed you, the ova did not arrive. I regret this, as the labour and expense have been considerable. I retain the twenty insulating boxes and their fittings here in case the ova arrives by next mail. The ice, being in the "Hinemoa" icehouse, went on in her to Wellington, together with three ice-boxes marked "Ice, CD. 1.," retained on board in error, and which please return to me. In future it would be better to have telegraphic advice of actual shipment before making costly preparations. I enclose an account of the expenses incurred. I have, &c., The Assistant Under Secretary, AVellington. J. C. Fieth. Enclosure in No. 38. The New Zealand Government in Account with J. C. Fieth. £ s. d. February ■> to 13. To cash paid for telegrams ... ... ... ... 110 9 „ American cloth ... ... ... ... 0 4 10 „ cartage ... ... ... ... ... 0 12 6 „ labour on boxes ... ... ... ... 6 13 0 „ Owen an 9 Graham's account, blankets ... ... 415 0 „ ~ „ American cloth ... 2 10 0 „ G. Grey's account, ice, &c. ... ... ... 25 15 8 ~ Sash and Door Company, 20 fish-boxes ... ... 4 0 0 „ ~ 3 ice-boxes "... ... 1 17 6 „ Anderson's account, felt, &c. ... ... ... 11 10 8 „ Porter and Co.'s account, hinges, screws, &c. ... 2 0 10 £01 10 9 Auckland, 17th February, 1879.

No. 39. The Under Secretary to Mr. J. C. Frith. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, AVellington, sth March, 1879. 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th ultimo, and, in reply, am directed to inform you that Captain Fairchild will be asked to return to you the ice-boxes left on board the " Hinemoa" in error. As regards the account which accompanied your letter, I am to state that, on sending a voucher to the Audit for payment to you of the £61 10s. 9d., the Auditor-General asks for sub-vouchers, and the voucher is enclosed in order that it may be returned with as many receipts in its support as you may be able to furnish. I have, &c, J. C. Firth, Esq., Auckland. G. S. Cooper.

No. 40. Extract from a Letter from Mr. R. J. Creighton to the Secretary, General Post Office. San Francisco, 4th August, 1879. ******* Be good enough to say to Mr. Macandrew that 1 have had a letter re whitefish, which will come early and on more favourable terms than were offered last year. Mr. Craig will take one million for Auckland, and I take another for the colony. As there will be considerable charges to pay, a draft for .-$2OO or 5250 should be forwarded by return mail. I will telegraph in time to make all arrangements in the colony. ****** I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office. Robt. J. Creighton.

No. 41. The Colonial Secretary to Mr. R. J. Creighton. Sm — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1879. I have the honor to inform you that, at the request of the Hon. Mr. Macandrew, a sum of £50 has been advanced to you to defray expenses connected with the shipment of one million whitefish ova, for which you have reported that you are in negotiation. A draft is enclosed for the amount, for which you will be good enough to account when it is expended.