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No. 26. The Assistant Under Secretary to Mr. A. M. Johnson. (Telegram.) Wellington, 11th February, 1879. Government have directed Dr. Hector to arrange for you to have portion of ova. Meet " Hinemoa " on arrival at Lyttelton. A. M. Johnson, Esq., Opawa, Christchurch. Amelius M. Smith.

No. 27. The Assistant Under Seceetaey to Dr. Hectoe. (Telegram.) AVellington, 11th February, 1879. Colonel Whitmore wishes you to keep box whitefish ova from Canterbury share to be given to Johnson, of Opawa. Johnson has all arrangements ready, and will meet steamer at Lyttelton. Premier has telegraphed for Firth to be landed at Tauranga. Don't forget Nelson share. Dr. Hector, C.M.G., Auckland. Amelius M. Smith.

No. 28. The Assistant Under Secretary to Mr. S. C. Farr. (Telegram.) Wellington, 11th February, 1879. One box ova has been promised by Government to Mr. Johnson, who has been instructed to meet " Hinemoa "at Lyttelton. The Agent in California advised Government to have the ova hatched out at the nearest possible point to disembarkation. Mr. Johnson's ponds appear to be even nearer than those of Society, which will, however, have greatly the larger share. S. C. Farr, Esq., Secretary, Acclimatisation Society, Amelius M. Smith. Christchurch.

No. 29. Dr. Hector to the Under Secretary. Auckland, 12th February, 1879. Have directed following distribution in event of being twenty boxes ova, thus : Five, Auckland ; one, Nelson; four, Christchurch Society; one, Johnson; four, Dunedin Society; one, Wallacetown ponds ; two, Wakatipu ; two, Te Anau. Please confirm, and inform parties. The Under Secretary, Wellington. James Hector.

No. 30. The Assistant Under Seceetaey to Dr. Hector. Wellington, 12th February, 1879. Colonel Whitmore approves your suggested distribution of ova, but, as it depends on actual number of boxes received, thinks it advisable you should wire direct to persons interested in receiving ova as soon as " Hinemoa " sails, advising them of number of boxes shipped to each. Please wire me also on departure of boat. Dr. Hector, C.M.G., Auckland. Amelius M. Smith.

No. 31. Mr, 8, C. Fabr to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Sir,— Christchurch, 12th February, 1879. In reply to a telegram (No. 163) received yesterday from your office re whitefish ova for Mr. Johnson, of Opawa, we think it probable that the Government are unaware that a box, or case contains a series of small boxes, the former containing 150,000, the latter 25,000, i.e., if they are packed as they were last time. If it is one of the latter intended to be given away, then we wish to state that we are positive that to break bulk on board means annihilation, nothing less; and, although we have been put to great expense in making preparation for its reception, hatching-out, and conveyance to Lake Coleridge (the water to which it was allotted), and, at the request of the Government (vide telegram 123, on the 30th ultimo), yet, rather than it should prove a failure under our hands, we deem it advisable to decline taking charge of any. There is no desire on our part to obstruct or to act contrary to the wishes of the Government, nor to deprive Mr. Johnson of a portion for his own private use ; but, believing it to be pro bono publico, for which we act in all our works, we are anxious that there should be no hitch, and that every care might be taken to insure success. To secure this, the less handling the ova has the better. In reference to distance, there can be but about ten minutes difference, and that so much nearer their final destiny. AYe have thought it right to convey our opinions and feelings in the matter as above, based aa they are upon the experience of several years. Waiting reply, I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, S. C. Farr, Wellington. Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.