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The Commission met at Parliament Buildings, Wellington, on "Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1879, at 11 o'clock a.m. Present: John MacMillan Brown, Esq., M.A.; Charles Henry Herbert Coot, Esq., M.A.; the Hon. William Gisborne, M.H.E.; the Bey. William James Habens, BA. (Secretary) ; James Hector, Esq., C.M.G., M.D., F. 8.5.; William Macdonald, Esq., M.A., LL.D.; John Shand, Esq., M.A.; George Henry Frederick Ulrich, Esq.; the Bey. Jame_ Wallis, M.A., M.D., M.H.E. The Secretary read the letters patent, issued under tbe Great Seal of the Colony, appointing the Commission. On the motion of Brofessor Brown, seconded by the Hon. W. Gisborne, Mr. G. M. O'Eorke was unanimously elected Chairman of the Commission. On the motion of Dr. Macdonald, the chair was taken by the Hon. W. Gisborne. Resolved, on the motion of Dr. Macdonald, seconded by Professor Brown, That a telegram be at once sent to Mr. O'Eorke in the following terms: ** The University Commission has unanimously elected you Chairman, and earnestly trusts that you will wire acceptance of the office." Resolved, on the motion of Professor Shand, seconded by Professor Brown, That, in all matters relating to procedure, the Chairman Bhall have a deliberative vote, and in the case of an equality of votes he shall also have a easting vote ; but that, in deciding upon fhe recommendations to be made by the Commission in its report to tbe Governor, the Chairman shall possess only one vole. Moved by Dr. Wallis, and seconded pro forma by Professor Brown, That the meetings of tbe Commission be open to the public. Amendment proposed by Dr. Macdonald, and seconded by ProfesFor Ulrich, That the proceedings of the Commission be communicated to the Press by the Secretary as the Commission shall from time to time direct. Debate adjourned. The Secretary laid on the table the following books and papers : —l. Schools Enquiry Commission, 1864:—Vol. 1., Eeport of Commissioners ; Vol. VI., Ecports, —Fcaron on Borough Schools in Scotland, and Matthew Arnold on Secondary Education in France, Germany, _c. 2. Eeport of Eoyal Commission, 1870, on Scientific Instruction, 3 vols. 3. Third Eeport of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Schools in Scotland, Vol. I. 4. Lord Stanley's Circular, 1867, to Her Majesty's Bepresentatives abroad, with their Eeplies, on Technical and Primary Education. 5. Eeport on the State of Public Education in Victoria, by Professor Pearson, as Eoyal Commissioner, 1877-78. 6. New Zealand Acts : " Commissioners' Powers Act, 1867," and Amendment Act, 1872; " University Endowment Act, 1868;" "Education Act, 1877 ;" "Education Beserves Act, 1877 ;" Acts relating to certain High Schools. 7. Eegulations (1878) made under "Education Act, 1877." 8. New Zealand Parliamentary Papers: Eeport of Select Committee of House of Bepresentatives on University Scholarships, 1867 ; Beports of Commission on Beligious, Educational, and Charitable Trusts, 1869-70; Beturn of Education Beserves, 1876; Eeport of Education Department, 1878; Eeport of New Zealand University, 187S; Beport of Otago University, 1878; Eeport of Canterbury College, 1878; Papers relating to School of Mines (H.-le.), 1878; Eeport on Wellington College, 1878. 9. University Calendars : New Zealand, 1878 ; Cambridge, 1877 ; Oxford, 1878 ; London, 1877; Edinburgh, 1878 ; Dublin, 1878; Queen's, 1877 ; Melbourne, 1878. 10. Gazette, June 12,1878 : Apportionment of Eeserves for Primary and Secondary Education. 11. List of Secondary Schools, with Circular from Education Department, asking for Ecports, 1878. 12. Technical Education, with Eeporls on Technical Schools of Germany, &c, by E. Gill. 13. Technical Training, by T. Twining. 14. Free Schools of the United States, by F. Adams. A letter was read from Mr. E. 11. Power offering to give evidence in reference to the refusal to award him the Bowen Prize, 1875. Ordered to stand over. The meeting was adjourned until 4 o'clock p.m., at which hour the Commission again met. The Secretary intimated that no reply had been received from Mr. O'Eorke in reference to his election as Chairman. Resolved, on the motion of Dr. Macdonald, seconded by Professor Brown, That the Chairman, Dr. Wallis, Professors Cook and Shand, the Secretary, and tbe mover be appointed a Committee to draw up a general scheme of business, aud report to the Commission as early as possible. The meeting was then adjourned until 2.30 o'clock next day. Thcesday, 16tii January, 1879. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Dr. Wallis, in the chair; Professors Brown and Cook, Mr. Cutten, Eev. W. J. Habens, Dr. Macdonald, Professors Sale, Shand, and Ulrich. The Secretary reported that ho had received a telegram from Mr. O'Eorke, accepting the office of Chairman. On tbe motion of Dr. Macdonald, seconded by Professor Brown, it was resolved, That tho consideration of the motion by Dr. Wallis, " That the meetings of the Commission be open to the public," and of tbe amendment proposed thereto, be further postponed. The Secretary brought up the Eeport of the General Business Committee, which was read as follows : — General Business Committee, Parliament Buildings, January 16, 1879, at 10 a.m. — Dr. Wallis in the chair. On the motion of Professor Shand, seconded by Professor Cook, Resolved, That the Commission be recommended to appoint four Committees, with the following titles respectively:—1. University Committee; 2. Committee on Secondary Schools; 3. Committee on Professional and Technical Schools; 4. Endowment and Finance Committee. On the motion of Dr. Macdonald, seconded by the Bey. W. J. Habens, it was agreed to recommend that the following members should constitute the Committees respectively: — 1. University: Professors Brown and Cook, the Bey. W. J. Habens, Brofessors Sale and Shand, and Dr. Wallis; 2. Secondary Schools: Professor Brown, Dr. Macdonald, and Professor Shand ; 3. Professional and Technical Schools : Eev. W. J. Habens, Drs. Hector and Macdonald, and Professor Ulrich; 4. Endowment and Finance: Professor Cook, Mr. Cutten, Hon. W. Gisborne, Mr. O'Eorke, Professor Sale, and Dr. Wallis; and that Professor Sale be the Convener of the first Committee, and Dr. Macdonald, ,Dr. Hector, and the Hon. Mr. Gisborne be the Conveners of the second, third, and fourth Committees respectively. On the motion of Dr. Macdonald, seconded by Professor Shand, Resolved, That each Committee shall report as to the manner in which the inquiries of the Commission can be best conducted on the general subject remitted to it; the institutions affiliated to the University of New Zealand to be considered by the University Committee, in so far as they supply University or superior education; and by the Committee on Secondary Schools, in so far as they supply intermediate or secondary education. I—H. 1. (M. of Pro.)