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It seems to us that the proposed changes in the composition of the Senate of the University, and of the existing councils of the Otago University and Canterbury College, ought to take place at as early a period as is practicable; and that their successors, and the Councils of the proposed colleges at Auckland and Wellington, should be brought into existence with all reasonable speed, due regard being had to all public interests which have been intrusted to the charge of the retiring governing bodies, and to all engagements which they have undertaken. We have it in evidence that the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Otago has passed an Interim Act, which will come up for final decision in January next, the object of which is to apply to the establishment and maintenance of a chair in a Presbyterian college the proceeds of certain educational endowments which have hitherto been deemed applicable to the establishment and maintenance of chairs in the University of Otago. This Interim Act appears to have arisen out of a difference of opinion between the Synod and the Otago University Council, as to the particular chair in that University to the establishment of which the funds were to be appropriated. In consequence of this difference of opinion these funds have been for some time lying idle. We are of opinion that the purpose contemplated in the Interim Act of the Synod is contrary to the spirit of " The Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands Act, 18G6," and that a short Act should be passed—■ first, defining what college or University is entitled to receive the benefit of the endowment ; and, secondly, providing means for settling any difference of opinion between the Synod and the governing body of the college or University so defined. We have, in this report, confined ourselves almost exclusively to an exposition of our scheme for re-modelling the University; and this because the time would not admit of our dealing satisfactorily with any further portion of our inquiry before the meeting of Parliament, and because we are strongly convinced that early legislation in the direction which we recommend is highly necessary to the future progress of University education in New Zealand. All which we humbly submit to your Excellency's gracious consideration. Witness our hands and seals, this 9th day of July, 1879. (1.5.) G. Maurice O'Rorke, (1.5.) C. H. H. Cook. Chairman. (1.5.) G. S. Sale. (1.5.) W. Gisborne. (1.5.) John Shand. (1.5.) James Wallis. (1.5.) George H. P. Ulrich, (1.5.) James Hector. (1.5.) William Macdonald. (1.5.) Wm. Jas. Habens. (1.5.) W. Edw. Mulgan. (1.5.) J. M. Brown. We, the undersigned members of the Commission, beg to record our dissent from that portion of the above report which recommends that the seat of the University should be fixed by Act at Dunedin. The following are our reasons : — (1.) That it is a proposal which is not founded on the evidence taken before the Commission; (2.) that it has arisen from and involves political considerations of a retrospective character which are foreign to the subjects submitted to the Commission ; (3.) that it involves a contradiction of the proposed scheme for the constitution of the University as understood by us, the fundamental principle of which is, that the University colleges shall be on a footing of equality ; (4.) that it is important to the success of the University, constituted as proposed, that the Senate should be enabled to hold its meetings at any of the University colleges, and so keep alive an active interest in its proceedings in all parts of the colony; (5.) that it is not desirable that the Senate should be limited in the selection of the Chancellor to persons residing in or near to Dunedin, which would be the necessary result of the proposal that the Registrar's office and the meetings of the Senate should be permanently fixed there. James Wallis. J. M. Brown. James Hector. C. H. H. Cook. Wm. Jas. Habens. W. Edw. Mulgan. While I assent generally to the recommendations contained in this report, I desire to express my dissent from that part of it in which it is recommended that the examiners of the New Zealand University should as a rule be taken from

Time of proposed changes.

Otago University and the Presbyterian Church Trust.