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Enclosure 1 in No. 4. RETURN of IMMIGRANTS arrived in WELLINGTON for the Year ending 30th June, 1879.

Enclosure 2 in No. 4. The Immigbation Question. Sic — I am really astonished at the pitiful outcry being raised by interested persons against further immigration into this colony. Here are thousands of working-men at Home absolutely starving ; and to the cry of distress that goes up from their midst their brethren in this colony, instead of extending a helping hand to them, close their ears, harden their hearts, shut up their bowels of compassion, and virtually say, "Let them starve, with their wives and children ; keep them away from this fair land of ours at any risk, lest the exorbitant wages which we are at present earning should be reduced one iota." Away with such cold-blooded, diabolical selfishness! In this country there is yet room for thousands; and let it not be said, to our everlasting shame, when a fellow-creature, struggling to keep his head above water, appealed to us for help, we allowed him to perish rather than extend to him a helping hand. Sir, I hold that it would be the best thing that could happen, both to the working-classes and to the colony at large, if their present exorbitant wages were reduced by one-third. Why is it that we are unable to develop so many of our industries, and compete with other markets? Because labour can only be obtained on terms which are simply prohibitive. Never will New Zealand become a thoroughly prosperous country, never will her great riches become developed, until the working-man becomes content with a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. I deny that the present high rate of wages is any advantage to him. And why? Because he has to pay proportionately high for all the necessaries and luxuries of life. How many working men, now that there is a little financial "tightness," are any the better for the " flush times " of a few months ago, when labourers were refusing 15s. a day, and the harvest had to rot on the fields in consequence? They either squandered their money in dissipation, or threw it away in worthless sections of laud or other equally mad speculations. Now, because times are not quite so good—though still their lot is princely compared with that of their starving brethren at Horne —they run like spoilt children to the Government, and urge them to "provide for them," and to prevent auy unfortunate fellow-creature who may be willing to work for wages which, while reasonable, are not extortionate, from entering the country. Why are rents so high in Wellington ? Partly because the working men, by throwing away their wages in laud speculations, fostered the "land mania," and raised the price of sections in the city and suburbs to an absurd and fictitious figure; but principally on account of the extravagant wages demanded by the men engaged in the construction of houses. In the same way cause and effect could be traced between the inflated price which has to be paid for every article of consumption, aud the inflated conditions under which our labour-market has lately existed. In any case, sir, let us not thrust away a fellow-creature from our shores to die, when a helping hand would be the means of preserving him to a happy and useful life, aud assisting him to develop our young community into a great and prosperous country. I have, Ac, The Editor of the Evening Post, Philo.

No. 5. The Immigration Officeb, Nelson, to the Undeb Seceetaey for Immigbation. Sib, — Immigration Office, Nelson. I have the honor to report that during the year three vessels arrived at this port from England with immigrants—namely, the " Edwin Fox," the " Fernglen," and the " Warwick."

Name3 of Ships. Date of Arrival. Adults. Children. ! j i Nominated. For other Ports. Total Arrived. Total remaining in Wellington. Souls. Souls. Souls. I Adults. Souls. Adults. 1878. [nvercargill, to Dunediu Ui'dea Vbeona Drari itikaia 3ity of Auckland Sdwiu Fox 3orina ST. Monarch, (o Ohriitch. Adamant ... lermione ... August 4 „ 20 Sept. 16 Oct. 8 2 1 2 5 119 17 33 1 3 2 110 1 4 1 2 125 8 21 1 3 2 1 1 3 17 2 4 <; 7 5 10 HI 5 6 7 5 10 283 29 68 5 3 8 301 4* fi 4 8i 261 27 60£ 3 3 Bt 287i 6 7 5 10 277 29 68 5 3 8 241 4 6 4 8J 250 27 60J 3 3 6i 222 17 2 9 2 5 1 1 G August 20 5 3 8 83 1 9G 1 16 "a 16 3 63 "'ernglcn ... iVarwick ... ilucUon itad Haarlem Dee. 15 1S79. Jan. 5 March 7 „ 14 April 18 46 32 112 72 27 26 71 50 13 15 11 27 8 L2 17 26 6 4 4 6 55 86 71 137 66 237 155 215 223 soot 130 197 187i 100 89 215 180 83i 72 197 1471 43 557 434 119 108 30 435 315 1,558 l,375i 1,213 1,100