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Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly, by command of Ms Excellency.

Schedule of Cokrespokdence.

1879. NEW ZEALAND. MIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. (LETTERS FROM THE AGENT-GENERAL.) Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly, oy command of his Excellency. Schedule of Coerespohdence. No. Date. Subject. Pago. 1878. 1 2 3 4 July 11 July 12 July 17 July 18 Forwarding correspondence with Albion Company re shipping from the Clyde As to employing Rev. Mr. Berry Relative to proposal to insure passage-money Reporting interview with Messrs. Galbraith and Denny re proposal to establish line of steamers He selection of operatives for the Mosgiel Woollen Factory Reporting interview with Mr. Bayley relative to manufacture of iron ores ... Acknowledging letter thanking him for Mb paper on New Zealand and the South Sea Islands Relative to single young men having saloon passages in emigrant ships With correspondence from Mr. Holloway relative to system of nominated emigration Acknowledging letter relative to setting aside land for small farmers As to persons applying for passages who have relatives in the colony Further as to the proposed bonus for beet-sugar Further as to proposal to establish a line of steamers to the colony Acknowledging letter relative to class of emigrants selected from Scotland and Ireland ... Relative to sending emigrants to Southland. As to employing returned colonists to select emigrants Has declined to give passages to nominated persons who have been in the colony With correspondence from Mr. G. J. Potts, as to proposal to select emigrants from Canada Acknowledging letter relative to the School of Agriculture Relative to the employment of Mr. Barnes to select emigrants ... Acknowledging circular to Immigration Officers relative to nominations Reports having arranged with Mr. Broomhall relative to the Aroha Block ... Acknowledging letter re proposed bonus on beet-sugar Reporting " Piako" put into Pernarnbuco on fire, and correspondence thereon Reporting strike of agricultural labourers in Kent and Surrey Further as to proposal of Mr. Potts to select emigrants from Canada With memorandum from Mr. Ottywell relative to factory girls having been sent as domestic servants Relative to giving information to small farmers on the subject of land Acknowledging letter re employment of Mr. Jeffrey in the selection of emigrants With further correspondence relative to the " Piako " With further correspondence relative to the " Piako " Reports action taken to provide a steamer to convey emigrants ... With further correspondence relative to the "Piako" 1 2 2 5 6 7 August 8 August 9 August 9 3 3 3 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 August 12 August 31 September 5 September 5 September 10 September 10 September 12 September 12 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 16 17 September 23 September 24 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 88 24 25 26 October 4 October 5 October 5 October 25 November 8 November 21 November 22 November 22 November 29 7 9 9 Id 10 11 11 13 14 27 23 29 80 31 82 November 29 November 30 December 5 December 5 December 18 December 19 1879. January 2 January 2 January 13 January 13 14 15 15 ie 18 19 18 33 34 86 36 He employment of a steamer to bring out Kent and Sussex farm labourers ... With further correspondence relative to the " Piako " Acknowledging letter from Rev. C. S. Ogg as to sending Canadian axemen ... With memorandum from Mr. E. A. Smith relative to supposed cause of fire on board the "Piako" Acknowledging letter relative to the loss of the " City of Auckland." As to unsuitable emigrants, and proportion of nationalities With memorandum from Mr. E. A. Smith relative to inferior class of vessels employed... Has published in English papers an account of the conduct of the Maoris at the wreck of llie " City of Auckland" Reports having accepted the s.s. "Stad Haarlem" to convey 600 emigrants ... Monthly report for January. As to selection and despatch of Kent and Sussex labourers by " Stad Haarlem " Suggesting revised scale of remuneration to Surgeon-superintendents of emigrant ships ... Reports having joined the Board of Directors of the New Zealand Agricultural Company (Limited) With correspondence reporting the sailing of the s.s. " Stad Haarlem " Monthly report for February. Increase in number of applications for passages. Proceedings of Emigration Agents With extracts from newspapers relative to the conduct of the Maoris at the wreck of the " City of Auckland " Forwarding pamphlets on the coal and iron resources of the colony With correspondence relative to testimonials to the officers of the " Piako " and " Loch Doon" Further as to remuneration to Surgeon-superintendents of emigrant ships ... As to New Zealand Shipping Company not having provided cargo ships when required ... Monthly report for March. Further increase in number of applications for passages. Proposes to establish Mr. G. M. Reed in the north of Ireland Reports Mr. G. M. Reed having gone to the north of Ireland ... With memorandum from Mr. E. A. Smith as to probable cause of sickness on board the "Hermione" Monthly report for April. Proposes to send out two vessels with a Bpecial class of emigrants Acknowledging letter relative to giving information as to land. Further as to sending special class of emigrants Further as to special ships employed to take out small farmers. Forwards copy of circular 21 22 24 37 21 January 20 21 26 88 89 January 27 January 28 -10 41 January 29 February 1 2G 26 42 43 February 10 February 13 27 28 44 45 February 26 March 1 29 29 31 46 March 6 47 48 March 21 March 22 32 32 49 50 51 March 25 March 25 April 1 32 84 31, 52 53 April 22 April 24 86 37 54 37 May 1 38 55 May 7 56 39 May 21 40