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UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDIT RE ACCOUN' ! — continued. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ b. d. 62,818 15 2 Brought forward Public Works Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR :— Class I.—Immigeation,— J. Broomhall, amount agreed upon in satisfaction of all expenses and liabilities in connection with negotiations for purchase of block of land at the Thames 3,500 0 0 Class XI.—Miscellaneous Public Woeks, — Expenses connected with the straightening of Waiuku Channel 325 11 6 Class XII. —Chaeoes and Expenses or eaisino Loans, — Amount paid Bank of New Zealand in consideration of surrender of New Zealand Government securities 5,000 0 0 Total for Services not provided for 8,825 11 6 Final Charges. Imprests. IN EXCESS OF VOTES:— ■ Class I.—Immigeation,— Vote 61 —Immigration... ... £4,855 8 4 Class III.—Railways,— Vote 78—Winton-Kings-ton ... ... £309 9 2 229 4 1 Class V.—Roads, — Vote 86—Hokitika-Christ-church ... ... 573 6 11 Class XII. —Chaeges and Expenses,— Vote 101 — Charges and expenses ... ... 16,384 1 1 1,002 0 0 Total. 4,855 8 4 538 13 3 573 6 11 17,386 1 1 £17,266 17 2 £6,086 12 5 23,353 9 7 Total Public Works Fund ... 32,179 1 1 Total Unauthoeized Expendituee ... £94,997 16 3 Treasury, Wellington, 17th July, 1879. James C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury. James B. Hetwood, Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General. By Authority: Geoboe Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—1879. Price 3d.]