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UNAOTHOKIZED E :pe 1 — continuet £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,394 3 9 £ 6. d. Brought forward Consolidated Fund— continued. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Miscellaneous — continued. Expenses connected with exhibits, Sydney Exhibition ... Expenses connected with shipping of Canterbury broadgauge railway plant to South Australia ... Ale lost in transit on Duncdin Railway, at Henley Flag Station Portobello Cemetery Trustees Extra expenses connected with eurvey of Milford Harbour by Sir John Coode Bank of New Zealand, interest on overdrawn Imprest Accounts of Railway Cashiers, &c. Carriage of goods on railway for " Carnival Committee " at Dunedin, on occaeion of opening through line, Christchurch to Dunedin Bay of Islands Electoral Roll, expenses of Royal Commission R. Graham, for miners' rights, to 30th September, 1878, for lands at Grahamstown 190 5 9 1,344 19 9 22 10 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 52 10 8 4 12 3 348 8 6 740 6 6 Imprest Advances ... 5,705 0 4 Pbovincial Liabilities, — Amount in full for extras on the Waikouaiti Road Bridge contract Refund of duty on Land Court and survey fees of Whakatete No. 1 Block, paid twice in error 300 0 0 310 18 7 10 18 7 Local Bodies Advance Account, — Counties, — Ashbnrton Manawatu Selwyn Thames Wuirarapa West ... Waitemata Borough of Dunedin Waiohine River Board 3,516 3 8 45 16 9 79 6 3 0 12 3 45 9 9 37 14 0 13 12 0 200 0 0 3,938 14 8 Total for services not provided for 15,352 10 9 IN EXCESS OF VOTES :— Final Charges. Class I. —Public Defabtments, — Vote No. 5—Land-Tax ... ... £100 14 8 „ 10—Electoral ... ... 515 18 6 „ 13—Agent-Ueneral ... 38 12 4 Imprests. Totals. 240 4 11 10 0 0 340 19 7 525 18 6 38 12 4 Class II.—Law and Justice, — Vote No. 18—Supreme Court ... 79 0 11 „ 20—R.M. Courts ... 2,646 18 1 „ 23—" Coroners Act, 1867" ... 75 7 8 „ 2G—Land and Deeds Registry 1,041 5 6 27—Native Land Court ... 1,492 16 3 49 14 0 83 6 8 128 14 11 2,730 4 9 75 7 8 1,510 19 11 2,297 6 6 466 14 5 804 10 3 Class III.—Postal and Telegraphic,— Vote No. 31—Conveyance Inland Mails 15 19 9 „ 32—Postal Contingencies „ 33—Telegraph Department ... 1,024 19 5 123 7 1 1,183 8 4 15 19 9 123 7 1 2,208 7 9 Class IV. —Customs,— Vote No. 35—Customs ... ... 95 7 10 494 10 10 589 18 8 Class VII.—Native, — Vote No. 39—Salaries and Contingencies 4,449 17 2 715 15 8 5,165 12 10 Class IX.—Constabulaby and Defence, — Vote No. 44—Constabulary 9,926 15 9 9,926 15 9 Class X.—Railways,— Voto No. 46—Railways ... ... 2,111 13 2 19,615 3 5 21,726 16 7 Class XI.—Public Domains and Buildings,— Vote No 48—Government Domains ... 61 1 10 61 1 10 £13,752 13 1 33,713 11 4 47,466 4 5 Total Consolidated Fund ... 62,818 15 2 Carried forward ... 62,818 15 2