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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 46 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1878."

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Consolidated Fund. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR :— Miscellaneous, — Advance to County of Weslland in respect of revenue to accrue under section 6 of " The Financial Arrangements Act, 1877 " Less, recovered 1,000 0 0 398 18 5 601 1 7 Compensation and Gratuities, — W. R. Townsend, for injuries while marking at District Prize Firing, New Plymouth... M. P. MeDermott, for injuries received at Review held in Auckland, May, 1*869 R. Muir, for road taken through freehold land at Lyell National Bank of New Zealand, for land taken for site of Resident Magistrate's Court, Tapanui M.U.I.O.O.F., Otago District, for loss caused by the issue of a lease of acre of land at Sawyer's Bay, belonging to Friendly Societies F. E. Rawson, on his relinquishing his duties as Native Medical Officer aud Hospital Surgeon, New Plymouth J. Miller, late Warder, Dunedin Gaol Gratuity to widow of G. Cox, accidentally killed at Waipapa, Kaipara Railway ... Gratuity to widow of J. Beit-, accidentally killed on the Riverhead Railway 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 400 0 0 180 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 54 19 0 72 0 0 Amounts written off, — Balance of Imprest Account of E. L. Green Balance of Imprest Ac-ount of J. Morrison Balance of Imprest Account of J. B. Hunter Loan obtained in 1875 by Wi Patene Rent of Coal Site at Ashburton Railway Station, not recoverable 5 19 4 86 7 3 57 11 10 100 0 0 1,036 19 0 2 10 0 252 8 5 Revenue restored iu respect of defalcations, — Late Receiver of Gold Revenue, Thames ... Late Clerk, Timaru Railway Station Late Railway Stationmaster, Chertsey 278 7 6 13 4 0 6 6 279 17 4 Passage-money to England of L. Oxley, Railway Draughtsman Bonus to liegistrar-General Drawback of duty on ease of boots from Hobart Town ... Extra clerical assistance in Audit of Government Insurance Account 05 0 0 50 0 0 2 14 5 66 3 0 Carried forward 2,394 3 9