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2nd April, 1879. —From Hokitika Committee.—Stating that exhibits will chiefly be timber and minerals. sth April, 1879. —To Mr. P. A. Jennings, Sydney. —Asking for plan of space, and that Maori house had been delivered by Natives. Bth April, 1879. —From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.—Asking the New Zealand Commission to encourage the forwarding of art contributions. 9th April, 1879. —Queenstown Committee.—Forwarding report of proceedings and names of Local Committee. 10th April, 1879. —From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.—Advising having forwarded circulars of Committee's outlines, also entry forms. 10th April, 1879. —To Mr. P. A. Jennings, Sydney.—Thanking International Commission for schedules and plans forwarded, and handing further information re Maori house, stating that Exhibition work was being pushed forward with vigour. 12th April, 1879. —To Mr. John Gully, Nelson.—Asking for information respecting work of art proposed to forward. 12th x\pril, 1879. —From Dunedin Committee.—Asking if separate courts may be granted to exhibitors prepared to spend considerable sums of money upon same. 14th April, 1879.—T0 Captain Thomson.—Commissioners allow an expenditure of £50 to enable to forward various mechanical inventions for Exhibition. 16th April, 1879. —To Chairmen of Local Committees.—Stating that His Excellency had assumed otlicc of President of the Commission, and that Dr. Hector was appointed Vice-Presi-dent and Executive Commissioner. 21st April, 1879. —To Mr. P. A. Jennings,Sydney.—lnforming the International Commission that His Excellency Sir Hercules Robinson had assumed the Presidency of the Commission in New Zealand. 21st April, 1879. —From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney. — Five hundred copies official programme forwarded. Further particulars of articles to be received for exhibition. Proposed to erect trophies. Explanation of terms re wool circular. 22nd April, 1879. —From Mr. P. A. Jennings, Sydney.—Congratulating New Zealand on His Excellency the Governor consenting to act as President of Commission. 24th April, 1879. —To Queenstown Committee.—Commissioners authorize expenditure of £50 for Committee. 25th April, 1879. —To Mr. W. J. Grayling. —Commissioners allow expenditure of a sum of ,L~O for the purpose of procuring certain vegetable extracts prepared from the New Zealand forest trees; a desirable exhibit favourably reported upon at previous Exhibitions. 26th April, 1879. —To the Manager, Bank of New Zealand, Wellington. —Advising that a sum of £200 authorized by Commissioners was at the disposal of the Bank for procuring gold specimens, and asking the Bank to receive specimens of quartz, &c., from the Local Committees, and forward to Wellington. 2(ith April, 1879.—From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.—Further information re wool schedule. 26th April, 1879. —To Mr. P. A. Jennings, Sydney.— Re exhibit of patent Caithness flagging • —Asking if entrance to vestibule of Exhibition might be laid with it. 28th and 30th April, 1879. —From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.— Re ethnological exhibits. Application respecting artificial Caithness flagging declined, as wood is to be used for laying vestibules. Ist May, 1879. —From Wellington Committee. —Stating that Committee had made personal canvass of city.—Asking for information re wool cases, and respecting depot for reception of exhibits; and enclosing names of probable exhibitors. sth May, 1879.—T0 Auckland Committee. —Granting request to forward exhibits direct to Sydney, providing Committee supply information for catalogue purposes, and are perfectly satisfied that the exhibits excel in quality. 7th May, 1879. —From Oamaru Committee. —Report of Committee as handed to His Excellency. Expenditure estimated at £50. Bth May, 1879. —To Hokitika Committee.—Commissioners authorize expenditure of £50. Bth May, 1879.—T0 Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.—Forwarding dimensions of Maori house, and acknowledging receipt of official programme, &c. Bth May, 1879. — From Manager, Westport Colliery Company. — Enclosing Mining Manager's report re coal seam, and advising that it will cost £35 delivered at Westport. 13th May, 1879. —To Greymouth Committee. —Commissioners authorize expenditure of £10 for procuring coal exhibits from Greymouth mines. 19th and 20th May, 1879.—From Secretary, International Commission, Sydney.—Forwarding copies of photographs, showing the weekly progress of the works at the Exhibition building. Re exhibition of mineral resources. Free storage granted by Messrs. Mort and Co. until the Exhibition is ready to receive exhibits. 22nd May, 1879.—T0 Dr. Julius yon Haast, Director, Canterbury Museum.—Enclosing copy of letter received from Sydney relative to the ethnology of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand, and stating what is wished to be done with regard to the same. 23rd May, 1879.—From Christchurch Committee.—Forwarding statement of applications for space.