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Geneeal Balance-sheet of the Dunedin Coepoeation Gaswoeks, 31st March, 1879. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Gasworks debentures ... ... ... 92,623 0 0 Property ... ... ... ... 61,906 5 1 Interest on debentures ... ... ... 2,55111 6 Stock ... ... ... ... 10,938 11 7 Sinking Fund ... ... ... ... 1,82112 3 Plant ... ... ... ... 432 14 0 Contractors'deposits ... ... ... 69 19 0 Consolidated Loan, Charges Account ... 2,863 8 4 Municipal Department ... ... ... 20 1 6 Consolidated Loan, Cash Bonus Account ... 8,939 9 7 Contractors ... ... ... ... 145 0 0 Bank of Now Zealand ... ... ... 9,848 13 10 Balance, profit and loss ... ... ... 2,518 1 4 Sinking Fund Commissioners ... ... 1,358 10 0 £ s. d. Gas accounts outstanding ... 2,289 0 0 Residual accounts outstanding ... ... ... 912 19 3 3,201 19 3 Sundry debtors ... ... ... 259 13 11 £99,749 5 7 £99,749 5 7

Statement of Eeceipts and Payments, Ist April, 1878, to 31st March, 1879. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand ... ... ... 60,185 16 1 Bank of Now Zealand ... ... ... 57,383 12 11 Consolidated 5 percent. Loan debentures ... 43,223 0 0 Bank of New Zealand, Consolidated Loan Gas rates ... ... ... ... 21,835 910 Account ... ... ... ... 31,420 2 1 Residual products ... ... ... 2,217 17 11 Consolidated 5 per cent. Loan, Cash Bonus Cash sales ... ... ... ... 1,147 9 4 Account ... ... ... ... 8,939 9 7 Rents ... ... ... ... 12 18 0 Ditto, discount on sale of debentures ... 2,030 17 8 Insurance ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Ditto, charges on sale of debentures ... 820 10 8 Contractors' deposits ... ... ... 108 16 0 Extensions ... ... ... ... 1,775 3 3 Municipal Department ... ... ... 511 0 4 Maintenance and repairs ... ... 551 11 3 Sundries ... ... ... ... 79 19 5 Insurance ... ... ... ... 7 15 0 Coals ... ... ... ... 9,071 10 0 Purifying material ... ... ... 73 19 7 Gas Account, refunds ... ... ... 35 0 0 Services Account, refunds ... ... 22 12 0 Charges ... ... ... ... 710 18 7 Salaries ... ... ... ... 1,318 5 9 Wages, manufacture ... ... ... 2,659 12 5 „ distribution ... ... ... 1,327 17 11 „ extensions ... ... ... 1,085 10 6 Plant ... ... ... ... 206 0 0 New stock—meters, mains, &c. ... ... 3,692 12 9 Sinking Fund Commissioners ... ... 1,358 10 0 Contractors'deposits returned ... ... 141 2 0 Contractors ... ... ... ... 3,220 13 0 Interest ... ... ... ... 1,507 0 0 £129,372 6 11 £129,372 6 11 Heney J. Waltee, Mayor. Jno. M. Jamieson, City Treasurer. I hereby certify that I have examined the foregoing statements, with the books, vouchers, and accounts relating thereto, and declare the same correct, with the exception of the wages pay-sheets, which are imperfectly vouched. W. Pabedb Steeet, City Auditor. I hereby certify that I have examined the foregoing statement, and compared it with the books, vouchers, and accounts relating thereto ; and declare the same to be correct. Dunedin, 12th May, 1879. Geoege Watson, City Auditor.

BOROUGH COUNCIL OF ONEHUNGA. Statement of Eeyenue and Expenmtuee of the Bououaii Fund, from Ist April, 1878, to 31st March, 1879, both inclusive. Receipts. Expenditure. £ 8. d. . £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at credit of Borough Fund, Ist April, On streets and footways — 1878 ... ... ... ... 318 511 New works, roadways ... 233 4 8 Bates— £ s. d. „ footways ... 88 6 0 Arrears of Highway rales ... 18 10 6J Old works, metal and gravel 204 5 4 ~ Borough rates ... 16 5 6 „ day labour aud General rate of 1878-79 ... 180 14 6 spreading metal ... 64 10 10i 215 10 6£ On boundary road, Mount Subsidies from Colonial Government ... 172 12 11 Smart road ... ... 21 10 6 Fees— 611 17 4£ Publicans'licenses ... 360 0 0 Advertising ... ... ... 33 16 9 „ transfers ... 4 0 0 Printing ... ... ... 16 4 0 Packet license ... ... 5 0 0 Well and pumps ... ... ... 34 7 6 Auctioneer's license... ... 10 0 0 Premium for water scheme ... ... 10 0 0 Masonic Hall ... ... 10 0 Blockhouse repairs ... ... ... 43 0 0 Circus ... ... ... 5 0 0 Safe ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Abattoir stallages, &c. ... 130 0 0 Cupboard ... ... ... 2 10 0 Carried forward £515 0 0 £706 9 4£ Carried forward ... ... £77115 7£