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79. The claim is made in respect of 50 acres, it appears. Are your reasons for making the objection the same, Mr. AVilliams ?—Yes. 80. Did you object to Hakaraia Awarau ? —Yes. Also from the same place, Awanui. 81. And on the same ground?— Yes, on the same ground. 82. Did you object to Matenga Paerata?—Yes. 83. He is from the same place, I see ?—Yes. He was objected to in 1877, and he gives in this claim twice. He is an Awanui Native, and puts in two claims—Kareponi, 614 acres, on the new roll, and 616 acres. Both relate to the same man. 84. Is the claim a real one in respect to either property ?—No ; I have a note from Mr. White that his name is not on the grant. It is the same man putting in two claims. 85. Then in respect of the whole of these, Mr. Williams, if the Revising Officer had asked yon for evidence in support of your objections, you would have said that Mr. White had given you certain information ?—With regard to these Awanui Natives, yes; and with regard to the Hokianga Natives, I received further information from Hokianga, which I acted upon. 86. Was Mr. White in attendance at the Revision Court? —No. 87. Did you object to Utika Huru ? —Yes. He is an Awanui Native. I may say all these Natives are personally known to Mr. White. 88. He "claims in respect of 200 acres. Was your objection founded on the general statement of Mr. White ?—Yes. This Utika Huru claims for 200 acres at Waimanoui. He is not on the grant. 89. So Mr. White says ? —So Mr. White says—not on the grant for which he claims. 90. Did you object to Aperehama Taiavvarua ? —Yes. 91. On what ground ? —He was objected to in the previous year and struck off the roll. He was No. 675 on the roll for 1876 and 1877.' 92. You objected to him on information supplied by Mr. White ?—Yes, on information supplied by Mr. White. 93. To what effect was the information ? —That he was not a householder, nor had he individualized his title. 94. Do you mean that he was not on the grant for this land ?—No, I do not say he was not on the grant. 95. Then the objection, as supplied to you by Mr. White, was, that he held this land in common with others ?—-Yes. 96. With how many others ? —I do not know how many others. 97. Do you know the value of the estate ? —No. 98. I understand you to say, or admit, however, that the estate has an existence ?—Yes, there is such an estate. I know nothing to the contrary. 99. Did you object to Etera Tararau —property situate at Putoetoe ?—Yes. 100. On what ground ? —On the same ground. 101. Information derived from Mr. AYhite?—Yes —as to Etera Tararau and Wiremu Tararau. 102. The information being to the effect that he held the land in common with others ?—I believe, but am not positive, that both are minors. Etera Tararau claims for Putoetoe ; and the note from Mr. AYhite is, " No record of such a block in Mongonui office." 103. Did you object to Wiremu Tararau ?—Yes. 104. That is a different block apparently —147 acres at Matarau ?—The same note is attached, " No record of such a block." 105. What about this block of 147 acres at Matarau ? —I objected to him on the information derived from Mr. White. 106. To the effect that he held iv common ?—That he held in common, and was not entitled to have his name on the roll. 107. Did you object to Hetaraka Taumataiti ?—Yes—Henare and Hetaraka, two brothers, both of the Awanui. The note is, " Henare Taumataiti not on the grant for which he claims." 108. This Hetaraka Taumataiti claims 200 acres at Waimanoni and 147 acres at Matarau. Did you object to him ?—Yes ; I objected to him on the same grounds as the others. 109. Did you object to Tamati Rangi ? —Yes. 110. On the same ground ? —Yes ; also from the Awanui. 111. I may say, Mr. Williams, that I have arranged these by the persons attesting them. I have done that for purposes of convenience, and getting their evidence iv future, if I require it. Did you object to Tamati Rangitaumutu ? —Yes. 112. On the same ground ? —He was objected to in the previous year. He was on the roll and struck off. 113. But in both cases you objected on the information supplied by Mr. Wiiite ?—-Yes. 114. Did you object to Henare Ngaru ?—Yes. He was on the roll, and also from the Awanui. 115. Did you object to Rapaua Paengaro ?—Yes. 116. On the same ground ? —Yes, on the same grouud. He was on the roll in the previous year, and was struck off by tho revising officer. 117. Did you object to Komene Kaha ? —Yes. He was struck off the roll the previous year. US. On the information of Mr. White?— Yes. 119. Did you object to Hohepa Kaaka?—Yes. He was struck off the roll the previous year. 120. Upon the same grounds—upon the same information ? Were your reasons for the objection the same ?—Yes ; from information received from Mr. White. 121. Did you object to Hupata Kaaka? —He was struck off the roll the previous year. He and Hohepa are brothers. 122. I have a number of European applications. Wore they generally objected to ?—No ; Ido not think there was one objected to, with the exception of those already on the roll who had sold their qualifications, or householders who hal left the district Tiiere were several of those. The Court adjourned till 2 p.m.

Mr. Williams.

March 6,1879.