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Standards.—The children have been classified preparatory to the introduction of the standards as issued by the Education Department. The following tabulated statement gives the number of children who will be examined in the various standards at the result examination, which commences in July, 1879:—

Teachers. —Last year 27 paid teachers were employed by the Board. Since the adoption of new regulations in July, the number of teachers has risen to 54—namely, 28 males and 26 females, besides 8 sewing mistresses, who are employed at least three hours each school week. The offer of the Education Department to grant £80 towards the training of teachers in this district has been accepted by the Board, and untrained teachers will be enabled to receive technical instruction from the Board's Inspector when the Napier District School is completed. Regulations.—Regulations relating to the following subjects have been passed by the Board, and approved by the Education Department: —1. For the payment of teachers' salaries, and for regulating the teaching stalfemployed in the district schools. 2. For the employment, education, and examination of pupil-teachers. 3. For the examinations for scholarships. 4. For the distribution of the school grant amongst district Committees. Libraries. —The grant made by the Government for distribution amongst the district libraries under the Public Libraries Act was distributed as follows:—1. Bush Settlement, £19 4s. ; 2. Hampden, £19 45.; 3. Hastings, £19 45.; 4. Meanee, £19 45.; 5. Ormond, £19 4s. ; 6. Petane, £10 10s. ; 7. Puketapu, £11; 8. Porangahau, £10; 9. Tamumu, £13 25.; 10. AVairoa, £19 45.; 11. AVaipukurau, £19 45.: total, £179. Income and Expenditure.—The income on account of the School Fund for the year was £9,622 lis. 2d., which, added to the balance on 31st December, 1877, makes a total income of £10,439 17s. 3d. The expenditure for the same period was £7,490 Bs. 4d., leaving a balance to the credit of the School Fund on 31st December of £2,949 Bs. lid. A detailed statement of the income and expenditure will be found in the Appendix. Signed by order and on behalf of the Board. The Hon. the Minister of Education. H. Hill, Secretary.

General Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1878.

Details.—Departmental Contingencies: Furniture for office, £29 lis. 9d.; law oxpenses, £4 45.; printing, £64 17s. 9d.; advertising, £131 17s. Bd.; stationery, £65 18s. Bd.; fuel, cleaning, &c, £78 17s. 5d.: total as above, £375 7s. 3d. School buildings : New buildings, £1,207 45.; furniture, £44 175.; improvement of old buildings, £287 Bs. 2d.; rents for schools, £60 16s. Bd.; purchase of sites, £924 145.: total as above, £2,524 19s. lOd. Total of general statement as above, £17,864 15s. 9d.; Public Libraries Account, £179; reserves management, £10 Is. 6d. : total as per Board's general statement, £18,053 17s. 3d.

MARLBOROUGH. Sir,— Blenheim, Gth May, 1879. In accordance with " The Education Act, 1877," I have the honor to forward you a report of the proceedings of the Board of Education for the District of Marlborough for the year ended 31st December, 1878, together with Tables Ito 4; a balance-sheet of revenue and expenditure ; a list of scholarships held during the year 1878, and the examiner's papers and report thereon ; and report of the public schools by the Inspector. Inspection of Schools.—Satisfactory arrangements have been made with W. C. Hodgson, Esq., Inspector of Schools in the District of Nelson, to visit and inspect -our schools twice in each year. The salary paid to him for these services is £120 a year and his travelling expenses. The Board is of opinion that tha cost of inspection under this arrangement will not exceed the £200 granted for this purpose. Mr. Hodgson's services are highly appreciated.

Below Standard I. Standard I. Standard II. Stain II lard I. Stan r lard r Standard V. Standard VI. r. M. F. I M. F. 143 | 160 M. F. 129 117 I M. F. M. F. M. F. 7 4 M. F. Nil Nil 61 39 57 45

Income. . £ s. d. 'o Balance on lst January, 1878 ... ... 817 6 1 Grants from Government —General ... 8,657 4 5 „ Buildings ... 7,500 0 0 Net receipts from reserves (£624 7s. 3d., less £10 Is. 6d.) ... ... 614 5 9 Donations and subscriptions (per Rule 2) 11 5 0 Incidental Receipts—Sale of school books 5 0 0 „ „ Sale of old buildings 114 0 0 „ „ Interest ... 145 14 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. By Office and Board— Office staff ... ... ... 220 0 0 Departmental contingencies ... 375 7 3 Inspection—Salary ... ... 358 6 8 „ Travelling expenses ... 154 3 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances ... 5,398 14 2 Committees, for general educational purposes ... ... ... 779 8 2 Scholarships (preliminary expenses) ... 10 14 9 Insurance of school buildings ... 19 2 6 School buildings—Works ... ... 2,524 19 10 „ Plans, supervision, &e. 215 4 0 Interest ... ... ... 3 0 0 Libraries (advertising) ... ... 1 12 6 Balance in hand... ... ... 7,804 2 7 £17,864 15 9 £17,864 15 9