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Enclosure 6 in No. 55. Copt of Telegeam sent to Agent-Geneeat,, London. Postmastees-Genebal, New Zealand and New South Wales, concur in new monthly time schedule, Pr'isco Service, following basis: —Outward leave London Thursday, January 3rd; leave Frisco about 21st January ; arrive Auckland February 13th ; arrive Sydney 18th February; leave Sydney 3rd January, Auckland Bth January; arrive Pr'isco 31st January, London 18th February. Immediately give Contractors and Post Offices, London, Washington, Pr'isco, formal notice of this change. Eeply.

No. 56. Mr. Geat to the Seceetaet, General Post Office, Sydney. Sic,— General Post Office, Wellington, 28th December, 1877. I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 30th ultimo, enclosing copies of correspondence which had been exchanged between your Department and Messrs. Gilchrist, Watt, and Co., relative to the new time schedule for the San Francisco Service. I have, &c, W. Geat, The Secretary, General Post Office, Sydney. Secretary.

No. 57. The Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 20th December, 1877. I have received the following telegram from Porster and Vogel, dated the 17th instant:— " Mackrell instructed obtained consent Contractors and sureties to deviation from contract, without which he advises cannot give notice of new time-table. We strongly advise announce Tuesday date arrival London ; very rarely mails delivered Monday. Constant failure would discredit service. Inform New Zealand. Eeply prompt." The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney.

No. 58. The Hon. Mr. Fishee to the Colonial Seceetaet, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st December, 1877. Agents -Genebal telegram received. Time-table prepared by your Post Office. That office no doubt satisfied mails could be delivered London Tuesday with regularity. Do you advise Tuesday be adhered to ? I consider time allowed reasonable, but at same time recognize there is considerable force in Agents-General objection. Time-tables now public, and if alteration must be made should be made at once. J. T. Fishee, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Sydney. (for Colonial Secretary.)

No. 59. The Hon. Mr. Buens to the Hon. the Posthastee-Geneeal, "Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 21st December, 1877. Befebence to telegram Agent-General 17th instanb, I propose sending following reply: —"You may fix either Monday or Tuesday as day arrival London. First mail leaves Sydney 3rd January." Do you concur? Eeply immediately. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. J. F. Btjens.

No. 60. The Hon. Mr. Fishes to the Hon. the Posthastes-Geneeal, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd December, 1877. Please see telegram sent Colonial Secretary yesterday. Instead of your proposed reply, would suggest that Agents-General be authorized to fix Tuesday as day of arrival London. This would obviate uncertainty and delay. If you agree, please instruct Agents-General. Kindly reply to-day. J. T. Fishee, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Sydney. Postmaster-General.

No. 61. The Hon. Mr. Btjens to the Hon. the Posthastes-Genebal, "Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 22nd December, 1877. Agents-Genebal have to-day been authorized to fix Tuesday as day arrival London. J. F. BuENS, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, "Wellington. Postmaster-General.