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Table No. 17. RETURN of the Number of Letters registered at the Post Offices in the several Postal Districts during the Years 1874, 1875, 1876, and 1877.

Table No. 18. STATEMENT of Correspondence received from the United Kingdom via San Francisco and via Suez during the Year ended 31st December, 1877.

Table No. 19. STATEMENT of Correspondence despatched to the United Kingdom via San Francisco and via Suez, during the Year ended 31st December, 1877.

1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. To laces ToP] laces To Places To laces Postal Districts. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Totals. Auckland Thames Taranaki Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Westport Marlborough Canterbury Hokitika 2,029 415 147 320 1,78.3 249 187 132 2,260 514 798 3,679 338 6,5i3 567 647 i,934 6,254 8i 4 38i 907 4,5o8 1,046 1,346 4,824 i,i74 8,542 982 794 2,254 8,037 1,063 568 1,039 6,768 1,560 2,144 8,503 1,512 43,766 1,669 334 217 345 i,674 256 164 i7S 2,648 460 778 4,656 605 6,640 657 652 1,338 6,893 981 629 848 4,988 959 1,415 5,6i7 2,532 8,309 991 869 1,683 8,S67 1,237 793 1,023 7,636 1,419 2,193 10,273 3,137 1,799 290 230 48.3 2,134 320 '146 175 3,139 394 602 S,27° 681 6,468 887 517 2,286 7,946 685 409 66j 5,846 i,i95 1,451 6,024 2,824 8,267 1,177 747 2,769 10,080 1,005 555 840 8,985 1,589 2,053 11,294 3,S°5 I,8l8 123 186 483 1,791 38l 52 88 i,542 257 181 2,S9i 234 8,405 1,051 9Si 2,862 10,358 1,273 485 767 8,242 i,49S 1,685 11,086 2,200 10,223 1,174 1,137 3,345 12,149 1,654 537 855 9,784 i,752 1,866 13,677 2,434 60,587 Greymouth Otago Southland Totals 12,851 30,915 13,981 48,130 15,663 52,866 50,860 34,149 37,203 9,727

'ia San Franciso Ha Suez and Melbot irne. Date of Receipt. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. lanuary February Harch "ipril 27,716 25,783 10,289 9,993 48,620 78,117 6,812 6,305 5,528 5,796 1,720 2,299 1,478 1,690 5,i5i 5,108 5,838 6,476 „ Vlay [une 28,002 24,506 22,166 25,446 6,363 4,9" 7,451 5,166 76,704 68,763 74,011 74,6lO 5,39i 6,068 5,948 5,97i 5,i5i 4,665 6,301 5,928 2,481 1,073 1,718 1,850 1,080 i,77 r 1,737 2,584 5,095 4,738 5,442 5,25o 5,426 5,i34 5,666 S,7oi ful'y rUlgUSt September Jctober November 22,724 26,750 27,591 26,035 26,037 27,169 30,440 4,749 5,964 6,921 5,804 6,558 6,831 4,676 72,127 73,5H 75,558 77,030 7S,98S 74,38l 63,357 December 6,781 i,777 5,690 Totals 340,365 85,676 76,645 932,777 23,258 70,715

ria San Francisci Via Melbourne and >uez. Date of Despatch. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. lanuary February March cYpril day une iuly Vugust 22,569 26,359 27,001 2.3,404 28.489 29,057 27,371 26,265 27,558 26,136 24,665 22,827 24,787 808 459 831 556 715 638 708 582 928 932 962 850 1,202 i5,3SS 12,616 i8,957 17,046 i7,Sio 19,464 20,231 16,629 19,789 20,738 i8,544 17,924 i9,Si3 7,707 7,403 6,821 5,4o6 5,384 5,66s 7,720 5,602 175 216 I3S 159 134 141 298 196 6,297 7,214 5,88i 4,53o 4,830 4,573 4,221 4,400 September October November December S,S76 6,679 6,303 S-45 6 142 141 158 176 3,989 3,940 4,389 3,529 Totals 336,488 234,316 6i,793 10,171 75,722 2,071