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Newspaper wrappers have also been issued by the department. The wrappers bear an impressed stamp of the value of one halfpenny, the interprovincial newspaper postage rate ; but they may also be used for transmitting newspapers to places without the colony, on affixing in stamps the extra postage. The wrappers were first issued on the Ist April last, and the number of wrappers sold on the 30th June ultimo was 72,130. The wrappers are sold in parcels of 18, 270, 540, and 1,080. A charge of Id. per 18 wrappers is made to cover the cost of paper, &c.


In addition to the above, 7 gold rings, 2 pairs gold earrings, 1 gold chain, 1 cornelian goldmounted pendant, 1 silver watch, 1 silver toothpick, and 1 parcel gold dust were also received in the Dead Letter Office. 504 registered letters were dealt with. 43 letters were posted without addresses, two of which contained valuable enclosures to the amount of £100 18s. 3d. 404 letters were detained for postage ; only 16 were subsequently prepaid and forwarded to their respective addresses. 666 newspapers and 285 books and other articles without addresses were received in the Dead Letter Office during the year, only 28 of which it was found practicable to deliver. 8 letters were detained for having obscene and libellous addresses. 72 letters were received imperfectly and wrongly addressed. 271 refused letters were received in the Dead Letter Office, 8 letters were posted with previously-used postage stamps. Eegistered Letters. 60,587 letters of all classes were registered, being an increase of 7,721 over the number registered during the previous year. Buildings. The alterations to the Chief Office, Dunedin, have been completed. The accommodation now afforded is of an improved character, and ample for the department's requirements for years. It is anticipated that the new public buildings, Christchurch, will be completed and occupied by the end of the year. The new offices built for the joint accommodation of the Post Office and Telegraph at Port Chalmers were occupied on the 15th November last. The buildings intended for the use of the several Government departments at Gisborne have been completed, and the Post Office entered into possession of its new offices on the 16th "February last. The business of the Chief Post Office at Blenheim was transferred to the new offices on the 3rd June ultimo. The new building erected at Eeefton for the joint use of the Post Office and Telegraph was occupied on the 28th ultimo. New offices have also been erected and occupied at Mongonui, Waiwera, Mohaka, Whangaroa, Mataura, Longford, and Te Nui. It has been decided to build new and commodious offices for the accommodation of the Chief Post Office, Wellington. New buildings for the joint use of the Post Office and Telegraph are to be erected at Timaru. A suitable site has been purchased, and the buildings will be put in hand without delay. The rapidly-increasing population of the City of Wellington has decided the department to establish a branch Post Office on some suitable site at the Te Aro end of the city. The building will also afford accommodation for a Telegraph Station.

65,953 unclaimed or dead letters were dealt with in the 1 The table underneath enumerates the number of this clasi since 1873. lead Letter Office during the year 1877. of letters disposed of, year by year, Manner of Disposal. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. Opened and returned to the writers Returned unopened to other countries Reissued Destroyed 20,602 5,393 75 3,801 26,153 6,828 105 4,227 39,051 10,321 78 6,081 44,067 ; 52,607 9,703 : 9,835 83 94 5,217 j 3,417 Totals 29,871 37,313 55,531 59,070 65,953 The following particulars show the number and articles of value enclosed in letters dealt with at the Dead Letter Office for the year : — £ s. d. 86 money orders for ... ... ... ... ... 342 5 7 68 bank drafts ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,550 16 2 55 cheques ... ... .. ... ... ... 1,049 4 8 4 promissory notes ... ... ... ... ... ... 414 3 5 Postage stamps ... ... ... ... ... ... 222 Duty stamps ... ... ... ... ... ... 050 Banknotes ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 0 0 Gold ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Silver and copper ... ... ... ... ... ... 039 Representing a total of ... ... ... £5,442 0 9