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Crawford_ Street Block, shown on the accompanying plan certified by the District Engineer, Mr. Blair, as not being required for railway purposes, so that a sufficient revenue may be obtained by the Board without having recourse to the imposition of extra harbour dues, which must assuredly follow if the Harbour Board is not^at once permitted to obtain a revenue from its legally-conferred endowments. And your memorialists will ever pray. J. E. Eoberts, Princes Street, Dunedin. (Bro Arthur Briscoe and Co.) A. E. Livingston, Princes Street, Dunedin. [And 371 other signatures.] Dunedin, 11th January, 1878.

No. 39. The Engineer in Charge, Middle Island, to the Engineer in Charge, North Island. (Telegram.) North Eangitata, 10th June, 1878. See my telegram to Minister re Crawford Street Block. We cannot get on at all if they take more than half the block away. "Vy, N. Blair Mr. J. Blackett, Wellington. Engineer for South Island.

No. 40. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works to the Hon. the Attorney-General. _ (Telegram.) 14th June, 1878. It is reported that Harbour Board has advertised sale of leases Crawford Street Block. If so it will bo necessary to take steps at once to secure a portion, at least, for railway purposes. Conyers tells me this is absolutely essential. Will you please see about this. One half should be reserved. The Hon. Eobert Stout, M.H.8., Dunedin. J, Macandeew.

No. 41. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works to the Hon. the Attorney-General. (Telegram.) _ Wellington, 15th June, 1878. I hope you have arranged with Harbour Board as to necessary ground for railway being excluded from lease. It must bo obvious that Government would utterly belie the responsibility which devolves upon it if it does not secure such portion of the reclamation as is absolutely essential for railway purposes before it passes into the hands of third parties. The Government is of course prepared at once to pay for the area required as provided by law. I trust Harbour Board will agree to dealing with matter amicably rather than compel the Government to exercise its functions as it is empowered to do by the Public Works Act, and as, if necessary, it is bound to do in the public interest. It is, perhaps, unfortunate that this matter has been the subject of so much local feeling. Personally, as you know, I have neither feeling nor interest in the matter; but, charged as I am with the duty of looking ahead in respect of making provision for the enormous railway traffic which in a few years will have its focus in Dunedin, the necessary action is forced upon me. As Igo to Auckland on Monday, I should like if some understanding on this subject could be arrived at previously. The Hon. Eobert Stout, M.H.E., Dunedin. j_ Macandrew.

No. 42. The District Engineer, Dunedin, to tho Undee Seceetary for Public Works. Harbour Board Beserves. Public Works Office, Dunedin, 15th June, 1878. I beg to enclose an advertisement cut from to-day's Otago Daily Times giving details of proposed sac on lease of a portion of above. The Under Secretary for Public Works, J. A. McAethur, Dunedin. pro District Engineer.

Enclosure in No. 42. Adyertisement. Wednesday, VHth June, at 2 o'clock. — Otago Harbour Board Endowment. Montagu Pym has received instructions from the Otago Harbour Board to sell by auction, at his rooms, High Street, on Wednesday, 19th instant, at 2 o'clock, the lease for twenty-one years, with provision for renewal, Sections 46, 60, and 61, Block 1., having frontage to St. Andrew Street; Sections 48, 49, and portions of Sections 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, having frontage to Castle Street; Section 59, having a frontage to a right-of-way, 33 feet in width, entering from Castle Street; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, as shown on plan of unreserved portion of the block known as Crawford Street Block. Also, on annual lease, portion of Sections 55, 56, 57, 58, having a frontage to Castle Street.