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The following is a return of the trades and occupations of the immigrants introduced : — Males. —Farm labourers, 655 ; ploughmen, 19; gardeners, 7 ; general labourers, 36 ; shepherds, 15 ; carpenters and joiners, 57 ; blacksmiths, 4 ; dairymen, 3 ; coach builders, 3 ; grooms, 4 ; carters, 2 ; iron worker, 1; bricklayers, 7 ; engine drivers, 2 ; warehouseman, 1 ; joiners, 3 ; cooper, 1 ; painters, 2 ; plasterer, 1 ; woolsorter, 1 ; miller, 1 ; railway servants, 2 ; coachmen, 2 ; wagon smith, 1; millwright, 1; shipwrights, 2 ; plumber, 1; paper makers, 2 ; bakers, 3. Total male labourers, 838. Females. —General servants, 374 ; farm servants, 16 ; cooks, 26 ; housemaids, 53 ; dairymaids, 33; nurses, 24; nursemaids, 7 ; dressmakers, 5 ; kitchenmaid, 1 ; machinists, 2 ; parlourmaids, 5 ; housekeepers, 8 ; lady's maid, 1; laundry maid, 1; tailoress, 1; paper maker, 1; weaver, 1; teacher, 1. Total female labour, 560. The nationality is as under :■ —English, 971; Irish, 974 ; Scotch, 117 ; Welsh, 26 ; Channel Islands, 7 ; Germans, 6 ; Italians, 3 ; Dutch, 1. Total, 2,105 souls. 2. Character and Suitability of Immigrants. —The immigrants introduced have been (with two or three exceptions) of good character, and suitable for the requirements of the district. 3. Rates of Wages. —Married couples for farms and stations, £55 to £65 per annum, and found ; married men with families, ss. to 6s. per day, with cottage ; grooms and coachmen, £45 to £52 per annum, and found ; shepherds, £50 to £60 per annum, and found ; gardeners, £50 to £60 per annum, and found ; single men for farms and stations, £40 to £52 per annum, and found; masons, bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, blacksmiths, coopers, pattern makers, wheelwrights, coachmakers, and plumbers, 10s. to 12s. per day ; shoemakers and tailors, Bs. to 10s. per day; general labourers, ss. to Bs. per day. Single women (domestic servants): cooks, £30 to £40 per annum, and found; general servants, £25 to £30 per annum, and found. 4. Nominated System. —The nominated system is working very satisfactorily. The total number of nominations taken in this district for the past year was 1,358 souls, equal to 1,218 statute adults, as against 954 souls, equal to 875 statute adults for the previous year. 5. Special Settlements. —No special settlements have been formed in this district during the past year. 6. Recovery of Bills and Promissory Notes. —The total amount collected on immigration during the past year has been £2,238 os. 9d., as under: —On bills and notes, £1,075 ss. 7d. ; provincial notes, £482 35.; passages in advance, £417 45.; rents, £240 Bs.; miscellaneous, £23 os. 2d. Total, £2,238 os. 9d. I have, Sec, J. E. Maech, The Under Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. Immigration Officer.

No. 8. The Immigration Officer, Hokitika, to the Under Seceetaey for Immigration. Sir, — Immigration Office, Hokitika, Bth July, 1878. I have the honor to forward, for your information, the following report of the Immigration Department, Westland District, for the year ending 30th June, 1878 : —■ The number of nominations received at this office was 220 souls, equal to 208 adults, being an increase of twenty-five adults on the previous year. The nominations are divided as follows:—Married couples, 17 ; single men, 81; widows, 3 ; single women, 77 ; widowers, 2 : the occupation of some of whom are as follows : —Tinsmiths, 2 ; carpenters, 3; labourers, 32; farm labourers, 51; domestic servants, 64 ; printers, 2 ; miners, 2 ; bootmakers, 3 ; cook, 1; dressmakers, 3 ; dairymaids, 3 ; housemaids, 3 ; nurses, 3. The number of immigrants who arrived in the district was 120, of whom 44 were nominated, who, with the exception of some foreigners for Jacksons Bay, immediately on arrival were taken away by their friends. Of the Government immigrants, all the single men and women obtained employment shortly after arrival, but there was considerable difficulty in obtaining situations for married couples ; and I would recommend that no married couples, unless nominated, be sent to Westland, as this not being an agricultural district employment of that kind is hard to obtain. Single men, and especially single women, can obtain employment easily, in fact, the latter are in great demand as domestic servants, nurses, Sea. I have to report the depots at Hokitika and Greymouth being in good order, although at the latter place the ground around the building requires draining. I have, Sec, Wm. Alexander Spence, Immigration Officer, Westland District. The Hon. the Minister for Immigration, Wellington.

No. 9. The Immigration Officer, Dunedin, to the Under Seceetaey for Immigration. Sir,— Immigration Office, Dunedin, 30th June, 1878. I have the honor to furnish, for the information of the Hon. the Minister of Immigration, my annual report relating to immigration to this port, for the year ending 30th June, 1878 : — During the season seven immigrant ships have arrived, six being direct to Port Chalmers, and one o Bluff Harbour. The total number introduced has been 1,645 souls, equal to 1,488 statute adults; of his number 260 souls, equal to 233 statute adults, were introduced under the nominated system.