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No. 4. The Immigration Officer, Wellington, to the Under Secretary for Immigration. Sir, — Immigration Office, Wellington, 10th July, 1878. I have the honor to forward my report on immigration to this port for the year ending 30th June, 1878. I attach a statement showing the number of ships arrived during the year ; it also gives the manner in which the immigrants were disposed of. There has been little difficulty experienced in placing all the immigrants who arrived. Work has not been quite so brisk since the winter commenced, but Ido not think there have been many without employment. I am informed that the opening up of the railway between Foxton and Wanganui has caused a good demand tor labour in that district, and that with the commencement of spring work of all kinds will be abundant, both in town and country. The demand for single women is, I think, greater than ever. The number of nominations made during the year is 90L, being nearly double the number received last year. Only 188 nominated immigrants availed themselves of the passage orders sent home in their favour. This is a very small proportion to the numbers nominated. lam rather surprised that more do not come out, as in all cases the nominations made personally at this office are by people who state that their friends will be very glad to get passages to the colony. I anticipate that a good many nominated immigrants will come out during the ensuing season, as their friends are continually inquiring when they will be leaving England. The sum of £168 16s. 6d. has been received in advance for passages and outfits of nominated immigrants, and £109 7s. 2d. has been collected on account of promissory notes ; making a total of £1,776 14s. 2d. collected. The value of promissory notes now in my hands is £6,246 7s. 7d. The rent received from immigrants' cottages amounted to £253 lis. I have only one case of quarantine to report, viz., that of the "Zealandia," a private ship, for small-pox. The necessary steps were taken, and everything done to prevent the disease being introduced into Wellington. The measures taken, lam happy to say, were effectual. I have, &o, James B. Eedward, The Under Secretary for Immigration, Wellington. Immigration Officer.

Enclosure in No. 4. RETURN of IMMIGRANTS arrived in Wellington from Ist July, 1877, to 30th June, 1878.

No. 5. The Immigration Officer, Blenheim, to the Under Seceetary for Immigeation. Sir, — Immigration Office, Blenheim, 4th July, 1878. I have the honor to forward my report for the year ended 30th June, 1878. The total number of immigrants introduced into this district during the past year is 96, beino3 46 by the " Waitara," on the 25th November, 1877, and 50 by the " Gainsborough," on the sth March 1878. They may be classed as follows : —Married men, 16 ; married women, 16; single men 23 • single women, 23 ; children, 18. Total, 96. The most of the men were farm labourers, and met with employment within a short time of arrival at a full rate of wages. This class of labour is still in demand, although it is now winter • more so than at the corresponding season in any former year since the settlement of the district. When summer comes it may be expected that there will be a scarcity of men for shearing and harvest. Eemale domestic servants are still much wanted, supply never being equal to demand. I have, &c, Cyrus Goulter, The Under Secretary for Immigration. Immigration Officer,

Total .rrived. Col< Nomi: snial lated. Emigre Colonic Corpo; tut and it's Aid ration. Forwai other •ded to Ports. Paid own Passage to] other. Ports. Renu aining in ugton. 1 Welli] Name of Ships. Souls. Adults. Souls. Adults. Soula. Adults. Souls. Adults. Souls. Adults. Souls. Adults. Jity of Madras Vaikato, to Christchurch Vaimate, to Christchurch Vairoa lurunui lereford, to Christohurch Jarnatic, to Christchurch t-ainsborough Vaikato, to Christchurch 34 7 48 199 186 5 4 99 4 24j 5 381 1741 171 41 3 871 4 2 3 Ii 21 32 23 34 7 48 191 181 5 4 02 4 24i 5 381 168 166 41 3 801 4 57 67 5 4 46 4 49| 591 4| 3 381 4 48 17 15 381 101 11 "3 "8 2 '"61 2 3 "e "5 '"7 "V Totals 586 5121 188 163i 118 88 10 10 10 81 566 494