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SCHEDULE A.—continued. To provide for the above rations at sea, the following quantities at least of provisions and water are to be shipped for every 100 statute adults, and in the same proportion for any number less than 100 statute adults:— 2,144 lbs. beef. 1,072 lbs. raisins. 2,144 lbs. pork. 201 lbs. tea. 2,680 lbs. preserved meat. 268 lbs. coffee, roasted. 806 lbs. suet 2,144 lbs. sugar, raw. 1,206 lbs. butter. 1,072 lbs. molasses. 1,875 lbs. biscuit. 536 pints mixed pickles. 12,348 lbs. flour. 67 lbs. mustard. 1,885 lbs. rice. 268 lbs. salt. 1,885 lbs. oatmeal. 34 lbs. pepper. 1,072 pints peas. 300 lbs. limcjuice. 1,608 lbs. preserved potatoes. 30 lbs. condensed egg, in 1-lb. tins. 1,072 lbs. preserved carrots. 13,000 gallons water. 403 lbs. preserved onions. N.B.—The quantities of salt beef and salt pork will have to be reduced, and the quantity of preserved meat increased in equal proportion, according to the number of children in each ship; 2 lbs. less butter and 4 lbs. less onions to be shipped for each child included in the number of statute adults.

SCHEDULE B. Children between one and twelve years of age are to receive preserved meat instead of salt meat every day ; and in addition to the articles to which they are entitled by the abovewritten scale, 1 pint of preserved milk and 3 pints of water daily; and 8 oz. of oatmeal, 4 oz. preserved soup, 8 oz. flour, 4 oz. rice, and 10 oz. sugar weekly. Children above four months, and under one year old, 3 pints of water, 1 pint of preserved milk, and 4 oz. preserved soup daily ; and 12 oz. white biscuit, 8 oz. oatmeal, 4 oz. sago, or arrowroot, 8 oz. flour, 4 oz. rice, and 10 oz. sugar weekly. To infants under four months old, such nutriment shall be issued as the Surgeon may consider necessary. An additional quart of water to be issued daily for the use of each person sick in the hospital if the Surgeon shall so order.

SCHEDULE B— continued. To provide for the above rations at sea, the following net quantities at least are to be shipped for each child:— 30 lbs. condensed milk. 10 lbs. flour. 38 lbs. oatmeal. 5 lbs. rice. 5_- lbs. preserved soup. 13 lbs. sugar. And for each infant: — 30 lbs. condensed milk. 2 lbs. arrowroot. 18 lbs. preserved soup. 11 lbs. flour. 1\ lbs. extract of meat. 5 lbs. rice. 11 lbs. oatmeal. 13 lbs. sugar. 3_- lbs, sago. 16 lbs. biscuit, white.

SCHEDULE C. The subjoined medical comforts shall also be placed on board, in tho following proportions to every 100 statute adults. A list of these articles, signed by the Captain, shall be supplied to the AgentGeneral, and they shall be issued by the Captain on the requisition of the Surgeon, viz.,— 28 lbs. Carolina rice. 18 bottles sherry. 20 -.--lb. packets best prepared oatmeal grits. 1 gallon gin. 35 lbs. West India arrowroot. 1 gallon methylated spirits of wine. 30 lbs. Scotch barley. 36 quart bottles port wine. 25 lbs. sago. 4 gallons brandy. 10 lbs. tapioca. 3 gallons whiskey. 50 lbs. best preserved meat soup^l 1 gallon vinegar. (half of this to consist of 48 dozen imperial pints approved stout. Edward's desiccated soup), ■ ,ir , • Malts and hops, or other approved materials 50 lbs. preserved beef tea, for leavening bread. 50 lbs. preserved broth, 2 bushels quicklime, in air-tight casks, con--50 tins condensed milk, J taining 1 bushel each. 20 lbs. preserved chicken broth, in 1-lb. tins. 3| cwts. best yellow soap. 40 lbs. preserved boiled mutton and beef, in 400 lbs. loaf sugar. 1-lb. and -_--lb. tins, half and half. 50 lbs. flour. 5 lbs. extract of meat.