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No. 112.—Waring Taylor and 204 other Settlers and Landowners in the Alfredton and other Districts of the Wairarapa. The petitioners pray that certain Crown lands known as the Mungaroaßlock be opened up for settlement by the making ofthe road between Alfredton and Eketahuna. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is one of public policy, the Committee consider that it is a question for the consideration of the Government. 15th October, 1878.

No. 114.—Thomas Minchin and 699 Others of Grey and Buller Districts. The petitioners pray that some voice and control be given to the County Councils of Grey and Buller over the administration of waste lands within their district. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is one of public policy, the Committee consider the question one to be dealt with by the Government. 15th October, 1878.

No. 115. —J. and N. Campbell. The petitioners pray that inquiry be made in the case of the rejection of their tender for the construction of light railways sent into the late Provincial Government of Otago, and that relief be afforded them. I am directed to report that the Committee, having made inquiry into the petitioners' case, find that on two separate occasions their grievance has been inquired into and dealt with by the Provincial Council of Otago; the Committee do not therefore consider it expedient to again institute an inquiry into a case that has been decided on by the Government on which the responsibility devolved. 15th October, 1878.

No. 116.— J. Nichol and other Residents of Campbelltown. The petitioners pray that Campbelltown be constituted a municipality. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the prayer of the petitioners be complied with. 15th October, 1878.

No. 122.—John Noble and 10 other Settlers of Forest Hill, Southland. The petitioners state that the Makarewa Road Board and the Southland County Council have closed the road running through Section 44, Block VIII., New River Hundred, in direct violation of clause 92 of " The Public Works Act, 1876." They pray that the decision of the said Council be overruled by the House. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that if the grievances the petitioners allege are true they have a remedy at law; the Committee do not, therefore, deem it necessary to make any recommendation to the House. 15th October, 1878.

No. 123. —Thomas Devonshire and other Settlers of Wallace and Riverton. The petitioners pray that the east-northerly boundary of the Electoral District of Wallace and Riverton be the Oreti River. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the subject-matter of this petition is one to be dealt with by the Government when the question of redistribution of electoral districts is under consideration. The Committee do not, therefore, consider it necessary to make any recommendation to the House. 15th October, 1878.

No. 124. —Robert Ray and 40 other Settlers at the Karamea. The petitioners pray that the port be connected with the districts north and south by roads, and that a sum of £1,000 be placed on the Estimates for that purpose. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, the question being one for the consideration of the Government. 15th October, 1878.

No. 131.—Thomas Colson. The petitioner states that a public road has been taken through his land, for which he has received no compensation. He prays that relief be afforded him. From evidence taken by the Com/littee it appears that the case was inquired into by the Provincial Council of Taranaki some twenty years ago, and the claim recognized, but it also appears that no compensation has been paid, and that the road has been used by the public without interruption since that period. I am directed to report that the Committee, having inquired into the petitioner's case, is of opinion that no claim for compensation has been established against the colony, as it appears that the public has had uninterrupted use of the road for over twenty years; but the Committee consider that the petitioner should have the soil of any disused roadway abutting on his land vested in him, or a portion of such roadway, so that other private rights may not be interfered with. 15th October, 1878.