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November, 1877. In March, 1878, he was again employed. He prays that, for the period of fourteen months he was out of employment, some consideration be given bim. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner to the favourable consideration of the House. 2nd October, 1878.

No. 54.—Cousins and Aitken. The petitioners pray that the Customs duties be so altered as to give relief with respect to the materials imported by them for the manufacture of carriages, as the present system operates in favour of the importation of carriages, thus discouragiug the establishment of the local industry of carriage building. I am directed to report that, as the question of the alteration of the tariff is now under the consideration of the Government, the Committee is of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd October, 1878.

No. 59.—James Laney. The petitioner prays that the report of a former Committee on his case be acted on, viz.: That the case of the petitioner is part of the large question of whether the colony is responsible for injuries arising out of the inability or failure of the Government to protect settlers from outrages on the part of Natives who do not recognize the authority of British law. It is the opinion of this Committee that the whole subject should be inquired into by the House, with a view to its definite settlement. I am directed to report that the Committee see no reason to alter their former decision in this case, and have therefore no recommendation to make to the House. 2nd October, 1878.

No. 71. —Mary Ann Chanhler. The petitioner states that her late husband was a member of the Constabulary Force from 1870 till his death in November, 1877 * that he left the petitioner and ten children unprovided for. She prays that her unfortunate case be taken into consideration aud relief afforded her. I am directed to report that, as the Legislature has not considered it advisable to make provision for the relief of widows of Constabulary officers, the. Committee has no recommendation to make, farther than to suggest that a special co-operation fund should be created to meet such cases. 2nd October, 1878.

N oi 77. —John Nairn and other Ratepayers of Tamumu Highway District, Hawke's Bay. The petitioners pray that the block of land known as the Mangakuri Block be included in the boundaries of their district. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the case of dispute with reference to the boundaries between the Tamumu aud Oero Road Board Districts be inquired into by the Government, aud, after hearing both parties to the case, that such alteration in the boundaries be made as may be deemed advisable. 2nd October, 1878. '

No. 81.— J. C. Chafple. The petitioner, who is an auctioneer, feels aggrieved at the action of the Municipal Council of Alexandra in voting the Mayor, James Simpson, Esq., an auctioneer's license free of cost, which places the petitioner in an unfair position in having to compete with one who pays no fee. He prays that the law be altered so as to prevent such a course of procedure for the future. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make ou the subject matter of this petition. 2nd October, 1878.

No. 85.—W. E. Heywood. The petitioner states that he was born and brought up in Her Majesty's Imperial army, and attained the rank of sergeant-major in the 58th Regiment; he subsequently entered the colonial service, and in 1874 was promoted to the command of the Invercargill District; that recently, in consequence of the Government dispensing with the services of paid officers, his services were dispensed with. He prays that the circumstances of his case be taken into consideration, and relief afforded him. I ara directed to report that, as the petitioner appears to have lost his office owing to reduction made in the Militia and Volunteer Department by the Government, in tbe ordinary course of administration, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1878.