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Hot Springs was commenced in October, and up to 31st May 132 chains had been completed, comprising 1,511 cubic yards embankment, 2,264 cubic yards block, 1,982 cubic yards side cuttings, and 69 chains of new formation. The value of the roadwork during the year has been estimated by the Road Inspector at over £1,200. Building Bridges and Culverts. —No new bridges or culverts have been built, but those in existence have been kept in repair. Six culverts have been taken up and thoroughly cleaned out. Building Houses, Stables, Sjc. —The'barrack-room (48 feet by 18 feet) and mess-house (40 feet by 12 feet) at Taupo have been completed; a bake-oven has been attached to the bakehouse, and the surgery removed from Opepe to Taupo. A stable, 32 feet by 16 feet, with forage store attached, has also been commenced at head-quarters. At Opepe 13,968 feet of timber have been sawn ; 729 posts, 1,244 rails, 160 slabs, 25,000 shingles, aud 625 palings split. Fencing Paddocks, and Laying down in Grass. —The paddock at Taupo has been enlarged, 19 chains newly fenced, and 5 acres laid down in grass. The fences round the paddocks at Opepe and Tarawera have also been kept in thorough repair. Remarks. During the past year the' district has remained undisturbed. A non-commissioned officer, stationed at Napier, has received and forwarded all Government stores for use in this district (two wagons and a dray in charge of members of the Force having been employed between Napier and Taupo, where cartage has been required), Te Wairoa, &c, but is about to be removed, and the Armed Constabulary Office given up. Major Tisdall visited aud inspected the Government property throughout the district in Januar}^. The following casualties have taken place: —One Sub-Inspector (Crapp) resigned his commission; 7 constables were discharged and 2 dismissed (absent without leave and medically unfit) ; 3 non-com-missioned officers and 17 constables arrived from, and 1 non-commissioned officer and 5 constables were transferred to, the depot aud other districts; and 1 constable was enrolled to be employed as farrier in addition to mounted duties. In conclusion, I would beg to report most favourably of the Force under my command, and that all members have been diligent iv the discharge of their respectivo duties during the past twelve months.

TARANAKI DISTRICT. Average Strength. —Tho average strength has been 76, all ranks, being slightly under tho authorized number. Parades and Drills. —The usual parades and frequent drills have taken place. Much attention has been paid, in particular, to skirmishing drill, in which I am able to report a marked improvement. Field Operations. —No field operations have been necessary, and, with the exception of a small temporary addition to the garrison at Opunake, I have no movement to report. Patrols. —A patrol leaves Waihi at uncertain times, day or night, for Normanby, on civil duties. Scouts. —Scouts are not at present required. Conveying Mails and Despatches. —Mails and despatches have been regularly conveyed, as usual, to out-stations in this district, and mails are also carried from Hawera to Normanby twice daily, a duty of which I trust the Constabulary may be shortly relieved, as there is now a good road between the two townships, and it would be better if tenders were invited by the Post Office authorities for the performance of such duty direct. Escorts and Guards.— Escorts have been furnished for either civil or military purposes when required. Regular guards are maintained at Pukearuhe, Waini, and other stations, in accordance with any existing necessity. Target Banges. —Target ranges have been kept iv repair where required. Telegraph Duties. —Telegrams on Government service are forwarded by special orderly with all necessary despatch to places unconnected by wire with head-quarters. Issuers and Storekeepers. —Members of the Force are still detailed for these, in addition to their ordinary duties. Bcdoubts. —Existing redoubts, stockades, or earthworks have been kept in repair, or, when necessary, rebuilt. Civil Duties. —Every assistance required has been rendered to the civil authorities. Attending Civil Courts. —Members of the Reserve Division have attended Courts when required. Agricultural Statistics. —The agricultural statistics of Taranaki District were partially collected by mounted members of tho division. Public and Useful Works. Nature and Extent of Boadwork. —About 45 chains of road have been formed at Waihi; several chains of bush road have also been made for the purpose of getting out timber and firewood. At Pukearuhe about 5 chains of main road neat" Waiiti have been formed, proper ditches dug to carry off drainage from swamps, 7 chains of road near camp reformed, old culverts replaced by new, the track to tho beach repaired, and 8 or 10 chains of bush road made for camp purposes. A detachment from Opunake has improved and repaired the main line of road. Building and Bepairing Bridges, Sfc. —Some small bridges in the vicinity of Waihi Station have been raised and otherwise put in repair. Buildings, fyc. —An eight-stalled stable has been completed at Waihi, with saddle-room attached ; this building will also accommodate wagon and drays. A new mess-room and kitchen have been built by members of the Force, at their own expense. The blockhouses and guardroom have been partially repaired. The reading-room aud library have been lined and papered, an extra room fitted up for the sergeant-major, two small extra rooms added to officers' quarters, and the buildings iv camp painted aud generally repaired.