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distributed over three years, but are so arranged that all divisions come together in the first and second years, and are only separate in the third, thus : — First Tear. — All Divisions: Inorganic Chemistry, with practice in laboratory. Mechanical Drawing. Second Year. — All Divisions: Physics, with practice in laboratory. Applied Mechanics. Mineralogy. Mechanical Drawing. Third Year, — -Mining Division : Mining. Assaying. Geology. — Metallurgical Division : Metallurgy, with practice in laboratory. — Geological Division : Natural History, with practice in laboratory. Geology. Paloeontological Demonstrations. The following is an abstract of the regulations and charges of the Eoyal School of Mines : — The public are admitted to the lectures on payment of £4 for each course of forty or more lectures, and £3 for a course of thirty and under forty lectures. Certificates of attendance are granted to all who attend the lectures; but students desirous of obtaining certificates of proficiency are required to pass the examinations. Persons who follow the prescribed course of study and pass the examinations of the third year in the first class, receive an official certificate with the title of " Associate of the Eoyal School of Mines." The fees for students desirous of becoming associates are £30, in one sum on entrance, or two annual payments of £20 each. Students presenting themselves for examination must pay a fee of £L for each subject. The chemical aud metallurgical laboratories are open to all students, whether attending the lectures or not. The special fees for the chemical laboratory are £12 for a course of Ihree months, £9 for two months, and £5 for one month. For the metallurgical laboratory the special fees are £15 for three months, £12 for two months, and £7 for one month. The ability of the student to make trustworthy assays is, in every case, thoroughly tested, and no certificate of competency is given to a student who has not furnished satisfactory proof that he is able to obtain accurate results. For the biological laboratory the special fee is £G, and for the physical laboratory it is £12. Free admission to all lectures and examinations is offered to any person who obtains a Queen's Gold Medal at the annual examinations of the Science and Art Department.

Sub-Enclosure 2 to Enclosure 2 in No. 21. Regulations and Plan of Insteuction. The session is the same as in the arts course, commencing on the first day of May, and lasting for six months continuously. The mode of instruction is by systematic courses of lectures in the prescribed branches of study in connection with written and oral examinations, by practical work in the laboratories, and also, according to circumstances and opportunities, by inspection of mines and field excursions. The classes are open to all persons over fifteen years of age. There is no entrance examination, but students enrolling themselves are expected to possess a fair knowledge of English and arithmetic, as well as some acquaintance with elementary mathematics, since otherwise they will derive little benefit from the lectures, and can scarcely hope to pass the examinations which are held at the termination of each year's course. The fees are the same as those charged in the arts course —namely, three guineas for each course of lectures occupying not less than three hours per week during the whole session ; one guinea and a half for any course occupying two hours per week ; and one guinea for a course of one hour per week. In addition to the class fees, students will be required to pay a college fee of one guinea per session. All fees must be paid, in advance, to the Registrar. There are five divisions in the Mining School—namely, the Mining, the Metallurgical, the Geological, the Mine-surveying, and the Assaying Divisions. In the first three divisions the course of study extends through three years, and students who pass the examinations in any of these divisions will obtain the distinction or title of " Associate of the School of Mines, Otago." In the last two divisions the course of study is for two years, and students who pass successfully through these courses will be entitled to receive certificates of " Mining Surveyor," and " Metallurgical Chemist and Assayer " respectively. Students may qualify themselves for certificates in two or more of the above-named divisions, by attending the lectures and passing the examinations in the special subjects prescribed for the respective divisions. For example, a student following the course laid down for the Associateship in the Mining Division may obtain also a certificate in the Metallurgical Division by attending the classes of metallurgy and analytical chemistry (including laboratory practice) which are specially prescribed for the latter division. It will not, however, in all cases, be possible to complete such combined courses within three years. Examinations in the different branches of study will be held in the month of November of each year, and students who shall have attended any course of lectures in the Mining School, and shall have passed the examination in that course, will receive certificates to that effect. If a student fail to pass the November examination in any subject, an opportunity will be given to him to pass in the same subject in May of the following year; and, if he again fail to pass, he will be required to attend the lectures in that subject a second time. Students who shall have passed the class examinations in all the branches of study prescribed for any division will be entitled, without further examination at the termination of their course, to the certificate of that division. It shall be competent for the Professorial Board to grant exemption from attendance at any course of lectures in the Mining School to such students as shall produce satisfactory evidence that they have received sufficient instruction in the subject of which these lectures treat; but such student shall, notwithstanding, be required to pass the November examination in that subject.