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report of the Otago Education Board furnishes information respecting the drawing department. The interesting and suggestive report of the drawing-master on the Dunedin School of Art, and the work done by him and his assistants in the public schools, is hereunto appended. The Universities, Colleges, and other Public Institutions for the Promotion of the Higher Education. It is provided by the Education Act that the Minister of Education shall submit an annual " Report upon the Progress and Condition of Education in New Zealand." In compliance, therefore, with what appears to be the requirement of the Act, it has been deemed advisable to embrace in this report some account of the work accomplished by the Universities, Colleges, and other public institutions established by Acts of the Legislature for tbe promotion of the higher education, and which are under the control of other authorities than those constituted by the Education Act of last year. These institutions are the University of New Zealand, the University of Otago, the Canterbury College, Auckland College and Grammar School, Wellington College, Nelson College, Christ's College and Grammar School, in Christchurch, and the Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools. The annual reports of the University of New Zealand* and of the University of Otago, with correspondence and papers relating to those institutions, will be submitted to your Excellency. The Governors of Canterbury College do not prepare annual reports, but their account of income and expenditure for the year 1877, together with information respecting the College, and certain correspondence and reports, will he submitted to your Excellency. The Auckland College and Grammar School has been in operation for a number of years under the provisions of the Auckland Education Act, which enacted that "There shall be maintained in tbe City of Auckland, or in the suburbs, an educational establishment, under a headmaster, and such number of duly-qualified teachers and assistants as the Education Board shall from time to time consider necessary, in which shall be taught all the branches of a liberal education, ancient and modern languages, mathematics, and such other branches of science and learning as the advancement of the colony and the increase of population may from time to time require." The Act also provided for the establishment of scholarships, to be held at the College, or at any University in New Zealand. This institution was formerly under the management of the Auckland Education Board, but, by " The Auckland College and Grammar School Act, 1877,'' its control has been transferred to a separate Board of Governors. A report by the Headmaster, containing a summary of the work done during the past year in the several departments of the upper school, a list of the members of the University of New Zealand who are on the books of the College, and an abstract of the accounts for 1877, are hereunto appended. The Wellington College was established under " The Wellington College Act, 1872." Information respecting this institution, including the Principal's last annual report, is hereunto appended. Nelson College was instituted under a " deed of foundation " bearing date November 14, 1857, and was incorporated under "The Nelson College Act, 1858." The following extract from the deed of foundation shows the objects of the founders : " The object of the deed of foundation is to establish an educational institution for the advancement of religion and morality, and the promotion of useful knowledge, by offering to the youth of the province general education of a superior character. The funds of the institution having arisen from the contributions of persons of different religious persuasions, creed cannot be admitted as a disqualification, either as regards teachers or pupils. The course of instruction shall always include the English language and literature, one or more modern *Full information respecting the University of New Zealand is contained in the Calendar for 1878. The affiliated institutions as given in the Calendar are —Auckland College and Grammar School; Wellinglon College; Nelson College; Christ's College; Canterbury College; University of Otago; St. John's College, Auckland; Church of England Gramujar School, Auckland ; Bishopdale Theological College, Nelsou ; Wesley College, Auckland.