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removed in a body to the neighbourhood of Opotiki to reap crops. The only blame which can be thrown on the teacher in the matter is that he did not report the circumstance. I made it my business to see Te Awanui and Panapia, the chiefs of the two lwpus of the AVhakatohea, and told them what I proposed—to close the school. This they earnestly requested might not be done ; and, in accordance with their request, I beg to recommend that it be kept open until it is seen if the attendance improves. I find from inquiries made that the scholars are again attending. Mr. Duft'us has proved himself to be a good teacher. 9. Torere School: Teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Grahame. —I was at this school on 29th May last, when I found 28 children present out of 51 on the roll. The school is a new one, and had then only been open three months. There has never been any school at or near this settlement before, and the teacher is a man who has not before had any intercourse with Natives. He appeared painstaking and capable, aud I thought that as much progress had been made as could under the circumstances be expected. 10 and 11. —The schools at Omaio (teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Hill), and Te Eaha (teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Levert) have been well attended during the past year. The respective teachers are both able and energetic. I regret that I have been unable to visit these remote schools, but shall do so aa soon as my other duties permit. I asked Captain Preece, lOL, when in the neighbourhood on other duty, to look in and report on their stntc, which I believo he lias done. 12. A boarding establishment has been opened in Tauranga to enable the sons of some of the Bay of Plenty chiefs to attend the Tauranga (European) District School. A suitable matron has been appointed, and accommodation provided for 12 boys. There are now five in residence, who are making satisfactory progress at the school. Three more have been selected, and will commence residence during the current month, while the remaining four vacancies will be filled up as soon aa I find suitable boys, my instructions being that they should be chiefs' sons, who show aptitude for learning, and have received some education at the village schools. 13. At the Opotiki District School some 30 Maori children have been in attendance, during the past half-year, with more or less regularity. I examined 13 of them on May 23rd. Several of them had made considerable progress, both in learning and speaking English. I need hardly point out that the system of sending Native children to the European district schools is, when it can be carried out, superior to any other for teaching the English language with Natives. I take leave again to point out that a school is much required at Ohincmutu, on Lake Rotorua, and would, if established, be largely attended, both by Maori and European children. I attach hereto an abstract showing the attendance (gross and average) at these schools during the past half-year. Owing to the semi-nomadic habits of the Natives, their meetings, Land Courts, and other distractions, the average attendance at Native schools can never, I should say, be so good as that at European ones. I think, however, that lam justified in stating that in the schools in the Bay of Plenty a fair number of the Native youths are receiving an elementary education from able and painstaking teachers at a very moderate cost to the country. I have, &c, Herbert W. Brabant, K.M., Officer inspecting Native Schools, Bay of Plenty. The Secretary for Native Schools, "Wellington.

Enclosure in No. 1. NATIVE SCHOOLS, Bay of Plenty.—ABSTRACT showing ATTENDANCE, January to June, 1878.

No. on Books. Average Attei ndance. No. Name of School. Murch June quarter, quarter. March quarter. June quarter. No. present at last Inspection. Remarks. 1 Maketu ... 77 58 34 'S.I 52 12 Europeans attending the schools, including master's own children. 2 3 4 5 6 Maiata Te Awahou Te Wairoa Rotoiti ... Whakatane 44 25 46 is 56 41 39 10 26 10 16 86 41 14 17 7 4 48 2!) 25 IS 11 No return for June sent in. Galatea •11 7 14 European children attending the school, including master's own children. No return sent in for March quarter. 7 8 9 10 11 12 i'8 Ornarumutu Torere Omaio Te Kaba ... Tauranga West School Opotiki West School 43 50 03 43 (i 29 11 51 50 42 9 84 15 37 15 29 3 19 1 38 34 26 6 25 28 60 30 5 18 Total ... 499 447 2s3 244