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Proposals made by Sir George Grey to Tawhiao, at Meeting at Hikurangi, on the 10th May, 1878. 1. E tv na koe i to mana, ka apitiria atu c te Kawanatanga ko koe ano hei Kai-whakahaere mo to takiwa, ka awhinatia koo c te Kawanatanga me nga Eangatira o to takivva hei whakahaere, kia tau ai te pai me te rangimarie ki nga iwi c rua i te motu nei, ka titiro tonu te Kawauatanga ki a koe, c kore c titiro ki tetehi taha ki tetehi taha, mau ano te kupu kia reti ka reti, kia hoko ka hoko i roto o to takivva. Ka hoatu etc Kawanatanga ho oranga mou me nga ltangatira ki to whaka-haere ito takivva. Ka hoatu etc Kawanatanga c rima rau pauna man ma Tawhiao ite tau, ko nga moni mo te takiwa katoa ka tukua nuitia ki a ia ki a Tawhiao mana te tikanga mo nga rangatira o tona Takiwa. 2. Ka hoatu c te Kawanatanga ki a rima rau eka mou i te takiwa o Ngaruawahia kia tutata kite Urupa oto Matua. Ma te Kawanatanga c hanga he wharo mou ki Kawhia mo to Runanga. 3. Ko nga wahi itoe i te Kawanatanga te hoko kite Pakeha i te taha Hauauru o Waikato o Waipa, ko nga wahi era c hoki ki a Tawhiao. 4. A i tua atu o ena, i te mea ka nui toku hiahia kia whiwhi koutou i te rawa, c mea ana ahau mo whakaatu c te Kawanatanga etahi wahi i roto o nga taone katoa c tv ana i Waikato i Waipa, me hoatu ki a koe tiaki ai mo te iwi katoa, ko nga moni c puta mai ana, mau ano c whakahaere ki tau ritcnga c pai ai. E mea ana hoki au kia hohoro koe te whiwhi ite rawa, no te mea ka hohoro tonu te tupu kia nui to pai o enei wahi. 5. Mo te taha ki nga rori, ko taku hiahia mau maku c whakahaere te riteuga o ena, kaua te tangata c pokanoa kite hanga rori i te mea kaore ano kia oti i a koe i te Kawanatanga nga ritenga mo te rori. G. Mo nga Euri, mau ano te kupu kia ruritia ka ruritia. 7. Kua inaliaratia c au enei mea, a ko taku hiahia nui, kia kite atu au kua noho pai koutou ki runga i nga whenua ka whakaaturia ki a koe, kite whakaaetia c koe aku c whakaatu nei, ka mahi tonu au kia wawe te noho pai ki runga i nga wahi mo koutou i roto o aua takiwa ka whakahokia atu nei ki a koutou, a kaore ano kia tukua kite Pakeha. Mo te taha ki etahi mea, ara parau, rakaraka me etehi atu mea o taea ai te whenua te mahi kia pai, ma te Kawanatanga tetahi ritenga mo tena, kia noho pai ai kia noho ora ai koutou ki runga i o koutou kainga ka hanga na. Heoi ano te mea c taea eau to whakarite atu ki a koe. Mo nga wahi i nga taone, ma maua tonu ko Tawhiao c titiro nga mapi, c kowhiti nga wahi c riro atu mo koutou.

[TRANSLATION.] 1. You stand in your authority, to which the Government will add that you are to be the administrator within your district. The Government will assist you and the Chiefs of your district to so administer affairs that peace and quietness will alight on the two races of this Island. The Government will always look to you; they will not look to one side or to the other. It is for you to say lease (land), and it will be leased, sell, and sales will take place within your district. The Government will give you and your Chiefs an allowance for the administration of your district. The Government will give you, Tawhiao, live hundred pounds a year. The moneys to be expended within the district will be given as a whole to him (Tawhiao), for him to distribute as he thinks proper to the Chiefs of his district. 2. The Government will give you five hundi-ed acres of land in the District of Ngaruawahia, near your father's grave. The Government will build you a house at Kawhia for you to hold your meetings in. 3. The portions of land remaining to the Government which have not yet been sold to Europeans, situate on the western side of the Waikato and Waipa—those are the portions which will be returned to Tawhiao. 4. In addition to this, inasmuch as I am very desirous that you should become wealthy, I consider that the Government should set apart certain town sections within all the townships situate on the "Waikato and AVaipa, and give them to you in trust for the people, the money arising therefrom to be dealt with as you shall think fit, for I wish that you should speedily become rich, because these are the places which are rapidly increasing in value. 5. With reference to roads, it is my wish that you and I should carry out the arraugements respecting them, and that no person should presume to make roads before it has been settled by you and the Government. (5. "With reference to surveys, it is for you to say that surveys are to be made, and surveys will be made. 7. I have thought over these matters, and it is my earnest wish that I may see you living comfortably on the lands which will be set apart for you; should you consent to the proposals which I now make to you, I will give it my special attention, so that you may soon occupy the lands in those places which will now be given back to you, and which have not yet been disposed of to the Europeans. With respect to other matters, that is ploughs, harrows, and other implements, requisite for the proper cultivation of the soil, the Government will make somo arrangement for that, so that you may live comfortably and prosperously in the homes that will then be made. These are all the proposals that lam able to make to you. With reference to the pieces in the townships, Tawhiao and yourselves must examine the maps, and select the portions for you. By Authority: Geobgh! Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB7B. frico 2s. 6d.]