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No. 18. Mr. C. Brown, C.C., New Plymouth, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. Sir,— New Plymouth, 6th June, 1878. In obedience to instructions contained in your letter of the 17th* January last, I have now the honor to forward herewith a census of the Natives in my district, from Mokau to Waitotara, which shows the population to be : Males over fifteen, 1,335 ; females over fifteen, 1,147 ; males under fifteen, 502 ; females under fifteen, 456: total, 3,440. No epidemic has seized the Natives of this district since last census, but consumption in different forms continues to be their deadly enemy. According to the present census, the population has apparently increased; but, from my knowledge of the steady decrease in numbers since my accession to office, I believe the last census, taken in 1874, was understated, from the then difficulty of getting at reliable information as to the Natives resident at Parihaka, Ngatimaru, and similar places. The present return is as nearly correct as the habits of the Natives will allow of. The disparity of the sexes and paucity of children (especially female), as compared with adults, are the most striking features. I have, &c, Charles Brown, The Native Under Secretary, Wellington. Civil Commissioner.

No. 19. Mr. James Booth, District Officer, Wanganui, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. Slß,— Wanganui, Ist May, 1878. I have the honor herewith to forward the census return of the Native population of my district —viz., from Porirua to the left bank of the Waitotara Eiver, and inland to Murimotu and Patea. I am unable to compare the last census with this, as my district at the taking of the last census was very much smaller than it now is. I have, &c, James Booth, The Under Secretary, Native Department, Wellington. District Officer.

- No. 20. Mr. E. "W. Woon, E.M., Wanganui, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. Sir,— Native Office, Wanganui, 26th April, 1878. I have the honor, in compliance with your request as contained in circular letter of 17th January last, to forward my return of the Upper Wanganui Eiver Native population, as taken by me on or about the Ist of March, 1878. The return is as correct as I could make it, and has cost me much time and labour. lam unable to report any increase or decrease since taking of last census in March, 1874, owing to this census being more correct, and the migratory habits of the Natives residing at some of the pas, who are in the habit of coming and going to Waikato, Taranaki, and the South. The gross population is about 100 less than last census, but it cannot be taken as a criterion, owing to aforesaid causes. I am not aware of any prevailing disease or epidemic. Owing to the system of registration now adopted, the census returns will become more and more reliable in the future. I have, &c, BICHARD W. WOON, H. T. Clarke, Esq., Under Secretary, Wellington. Eesident Magistrate.

No. 21. Bey. J. W. Stack, Christchurch, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. Sir,— Christchurch, 28th June, 1878. I have the honor to forward the enclosed return of the Maori and half-caste population in my district. I should have sent it in earlier but for the senseless opposition offered by the elder Maoris, who in every place hindered my obtaining the desired information, and forced me to get it secretly from any one I could induce to give it. Tamati Tikao and his son, and the policeman, Mahuika, are the only persons who rendered cheerful assistance. Though the census has several times been taken before, they persist in thinking that the numbering of the people is in some way meant to injure them. It does seem absurd that in this island the Maoris should be at liberty to withhold information that Europeans are compelled to give. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Native Department, Wellington. James W. Stack.

No. 22. Mr. Alexander Mackay, C.C., Nelson, to the Under Secretary, Native Department. SjE _ Native Eeserves Office, Nelson, 27th May, 1878. In compliance -with the instructions contained in your circular letter of the 17th January, I have the honor to forward herewith the result of the census taken of the Native population residing in the Provincial Districts of Nelson, Marlborough, and "Westland. The aggregate population of the above-mentioned districts at the present time number 692, in the