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last moment. We then gave notice in such a manner as to be least calculated to relieve the sureties of their responsibility. We then addressed to Mr. Tilley the letter of which I enclose a copy. I also enclose a copy of his reply, stating the perfect willingness of the Postmaster-General to accede to our wishes, but pointing out that some confusion and inconvenience to the public must be expected to ensue from the fact of the new arrangements being only notified to the Department after its usual Annual Time-Table for the Australian Mail Services of 1878 had been already issued and widely circulated, and the Official Postal Guide for the quarter had gone to press. A special notice was, however, at once issued by the Post Office to all Postmasters, and the paragraph of which I subjoin a copy was issued by Mr. Forster and myself, and widely circulated through the Press. On receipt of Mr. Tilley's letter above referred to, Mr. Forster and I addressed the telegram of which I subjoin a copy to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, informing them that the mails would be despatched from London on the 3rd instead of the 10th instant. As I have already said, Messrs. Mackrell advised that, until the deed above referred to had been actually executed by the sureties, no public announcement should be made of the time-table beyond the present month, as such promulgation, without their previous assent, would have the effect of releasing them from the contract. The time-table for the year, of which I enclose a copy, has therefore not been in any way published as yet by us. I have, &c, Julius Vogel, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Agent-General.

Enclosure 1 in No. 67. Messrs. Mackrell and Co. to the Agent-Genebal for New South Wales. 21, Cannon Street, 21st December, 1877. Deah Sic, — Pacific Mail Service. We have now received from Messrs. John Elder and Co. their own assent to the proposed arrangement with the Pacific Company, and also a copy of a letter they have received from Mr. Macgregor, giving his assent to it. We have not yet received any answer to our cablegram to the Pacific Company. The document to be signed by the sureties is ready, and we propose sending it to them without waiting for the answer of the Pacific Company, but shall be glad to know, before having it engrossed, whether you and Sir Julius Vogel wish to confer upon it. It is an echo of the one signed before, of which you both approved. We have, &c, The Agent-General for New South Wales. John Mackbell and Co.

Enclosure 2 in No. 67. The Agents-Geneeal to the Chief Seceetaby, Sydney. (Telegram.) London, 17th December, 1877. Mackeell instructed obtain consent of Contractors and sureties to deviation from contract, without which he advises cannot give notice of new time-table. We strongly advise announce Tuesday date arrival London. Very rarely mails delivered Monday. Constant failure would discredit service. Inform New Zealand. Eeply promptly. W. Foestee. The Hon. the Chief Secretary, Sydney. J. Vogel

Enclosure 3 in No. 67. The Hon. the Chief Seceetaet, Sydney, to Mr. Foestee and Sir J. Vogel, London. (Telegram received 24th December, 1877.) Fix Tuesday as day arrival London. First mail leaves Sydney 3rd January. W. Forster, Esq., and Sir J. Vogel, London. Chief Seceetaby, Sydney.

Enclosure 4 in No. 67. The Agents-General to the Seceetaet, General Post Office, London, Sic, — 3, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, 27th December, 1877. "We have been instructed by telegram that arrangements have been made to alter the timetable of the San Francisco Service, and with this end we are requested to see that the mails are despatched from London on the 3rd January, instead of the 10th. We shall be able to give you the time-table for the whole year in a few days; meanwhile, we have to ast you to make up and despatch the usual monthly mail on the 3rd instead of the 10th, and to give the requisite notice of the change. We regret the trouble which we fear may be caused to you by this intimation, which we are compelled to make more suddenly than we should have desired. We shall be prepared to repay any expenditure involved by the new announcements which it is now necessary to make to the public and to persons or institutions specially concerned. We have, &c, Julius Vogel, Agent-General for New Zealand. A. A. Jopp, Captain, 8.E., (for Agent-General for New South Wales.) The Secretary, General Post Office, London, E,C.