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Si] howing'tl he ] Position, &c, of i each. Ruk in tli lie Protinciai, District of Otago— continued.

No. of Run. Name of Lessee. Originai Area of Run. Present Area of Run. Date of Expiry of Original License. Date of Expiry of Present Lease. Term of Lease. Situation of Run, if or not on Gold Field. Name . f County ( in which Run is situate. Area in each County. Stock, 1876-77. Assessment, 1876-77. Nature of Covenant. Area of Land taken during the last eight years, ending 30th June, 1877, stated separately. Date of Remarks. Great. SmaU. Agricuitural Sale. Lease. u Deferred Agricur- , ."" Sale. Pav- tural drcds- ments. Lease. 1870. 1871. 1873. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1856. i8jj. 306 307 3°8a 308 b 322 323 324 325* 325B 33o 33i 333 334 335* 335» 335c 335° 337 338 339 Mount Ida Pastoral Co. ... Gellibrand and Smith Watson Shehan Greig and Turnbull Young and Dalgety W. S. Trotter ... McArdell and Hodge N.Z. & A.L. Co. (Limited) Strode and Fraser N.Z. & A.L. Co. (Limited) Boyes Brothers... H. S. Thompson Henry Campbell Thomas Coke Hill Wm. Fraser ... Acres. 23,000 34,000 19,000 43,000 61,500 60,000 70,000 9,600 15,400 80,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 48,000 12,000 15,000 io,45° 50,000 50,000 80,000 Acres. 23,000 33.48o 19,000 41,983 61,500 58,256 66,350 9,600 14,760 80,000 49,36o 99,360 99,492 48,000 11,360 15,000 10,450 49,660 50,000 80,000 Feb. 6, 1873 ft it it 11 it tt Dec. 3, 1873 Feb. 26, 1874 11 it n »» Feb. 6, 1883 » tt tt a a 11 Dec. 3, 1883 Feb. 26, 1884 »i 11 11 ,1 Years. 15Y.1iM.7D. 16 16 16 «7 >7 i6y.iom.8d. 17 17 '7 '7 10 17 '7 10 17 '7 17 «7 i6v HM260 G.F. f G.F. £ G.F. [ G.F. £ G.F. £ G.F. j G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. Waitki Mani *)oto Taien ... Waikonaiti Maniototo Vincent 1, Maniototo Waitaki Southland Lake Southland Wallice Vincent Acres. 3,000 20,000 29.130 4.35° 15,50° 3,500 400 41,583 61,500 2,000 56,256 54,350 6,000 6,000 9,600 14,760 80,000 49,36° 99,360 99,492 48,000 11,360 15,000 10,450 49,660 50,000 80,000 21,500 4',590 15,850 Acres. ] Stock ] } ... J ... 102 j 100 c 2 "5 Acres. in 219 12,600 7,000 15,000 16,279 16,002 26,001 33,000 8,000 in 325A in 345 12,300 22,500 6,700 3.050 3.440 S.500 12,005 16,800 22,000 £ s. d. 367 10 o 204 3 4 437 10 o 492 13 1 484 4 6 758 14 3 982 12 6 233 6 8 Acres. 2,500 Soo Acres. 1,000 Acres. M97 Acres. 400 Acres. Acres. 5" 6.7 547 ..,650 640 Acres. Acres. 52OP. 547P3,650 Acres. Acres. Acres. 617 Acres. 1-197 640 Acres. 400 Acres. Oct. 14/75 Jan. 25/71 Kingston Hundred. Stock includes Run 330. tt 11 » 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ,, 11 Lake Stock Stock 691 55 479 *3 6 665 17 6 195 8 4 88 19 2 100 6 8 145 16 8 352 1 5 490 o o 644 12 IO 2,500 640 640 508 640 640 11 11 11 ii 508 ti n 11 11 11 Vince : tt 11 11 11 640 640 ,, ... ... Charles Nicholls A. C. Thompson Henry Campbell Graham and Walton 11 11 11 11 it 11 jj u it )> 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ,, Lake ... Vince t 11 34o 34° (■ 1,060 acres, Cromwell Comi monage, was cancelled 6th ( Nov., 1874. jj jj 11 11 ,, 17 340A Howell and Loughnan ... 64,150 63,090 jj if 11 11 17 G.F. ( Lake ... }"' 15,000 437 »° o 34OB Henry Campbell 15,830 15,850 jj JJ tt 11 17 G.F. 1, (Aug. 2/70 i. Nov. 23/70 /"Dec. 14/70 Sjan. 4/71 J Dec. 31/73 (.Sept. 3/74 345 Boyes Brothers... ... 35>o°o 30,452 11 it 11 11 17 G.F. ,, 30,45 2 85 24.342 724 17 o 5,000 2,000 2,548 4,548 > Part Hundred 6,434. 346 John Butement 54,000 36,936 jj 11 11 11 «7 G.F. 36,960 6 14,900 435 " 8 6,434 1,482 9,148 630 8,518 1,482 6,434 ,, 350 Mathieson Brothers 46,000 46,000 it n ii 11 10 G.F. 46,000 26,450 7,550 11,520 27,730 2,3.o 4,38o 40,000 15,000 39,5oo 3,900 26,600 20,000 20,000 17,564 26,683 40,000 26,400 30,000 13,973 32,000 25,000 19,000 4,000 8,500 8,300 8,200 6,700 3,3oo 11,400 28,900 9,200 10,000 4>5°o 1,000 13,000 9,5oo 7,5oo 12,000 35,00° 1,000 8,000 100,000 5,500 15,000 2,000 5,000 8,000 12,000 2,000 3,000 300 40,000 7,000 2,000 38,000 7 18,000 526 4 6 353* Greig and Turnbull 34,000 34,000 it 11 11 11 17 G.F. £ G.F. ( G.F.I Mani oto Tuap :a oto j... } 70 8,438 246 2 2 ;a •j. 353B P. C. Neill 39,25° 39.250 Feb. 26, 1873 11 11 11 Mani oto 500 14 11 8 oto 353C Cotton and Henry 6,75° 6,750 »j jj 11 11 11 Tuap ;a Vince t Souti ind Wait :i Maui oto Wait i Tuap ta 12 5 o 159 16 8 109 7 6 354 359 362A W. J. Harrison W. S. Trotter ... Rich, Stewart, and Mackenzie Mount Ida Pastoral Co. ... Joseph Clarke ... 40,000 15,000 40,000 15,000 Feb. 26, 1874 Feb. 3, 1873 11 11 Feb. 3, 1883 17 10 G.F. G.F. 80 5,000 3.75° 43,4oo 434O0 April I, 1876 11 11 7y.iom.26d. G.F. £ ind :i oto i I Stock in 206A I I I ... 362B 368 26,600 20,000 26,600 20,000 j> a Feb. 26, 1874 Feb. 26, 1884 7y.iom.26d. 17 G.F. Stock in 243 1,020 29 »S ° ia ("Feb. 18/70 ] Nov. 25/ 74 (. ••• /77 369 Cargill and Anderson 48,000 37.564 jj jj n 11 18 G.F. \ Vines t South nd Wait; ;i Lake }■ 20,000 583 « 8 296 18 4 35o o o 109 1 10 58 6 8 102 11 o 175 o o 200 3 5 175 o o 5,000 10,436 i,2o6 1 640 2,500 4,090 398 403 4'7 418 419 420 421 424 D. A. Cameron Young and Dalgety W. T. Dodds ... R. and R. Campbell George Ludeman Joseph Rodgers R. Campbell, sen. John McKellar... 27,000 40,000 26,400 30,000 14,500 32,000 25,000 19,000 26,683 40,000 26,400 30,000 13.973 32,000 25,000 19,000 Oct. 7, 1874 July 26, 1876 New run Oct. 7, 1884 July 26, 1886 Oct. 1, 1878 ii 1879 „ 1878 18 20 10 G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. .G.F. G.F. nd i 30 7 10,000 12,000 3.7oo 2,000 3,000 6,000 6,863 6,000 2,500 317 I... 3«7P11 ... 11 ••• 10 10 10 11 1, "86 5*7 527 Stock includes 455. Stock includes 438. Stock includes 42911. 11 11 ••• JJ 11 „ 1879 10 10 Wai'bfti Southland Vincent Tuapeka Vincent Tuapeka 11 ••• 11 It 4*5* 425B Cargill and Anderson Joseph Clarke ... 12,500 16,500 12,500 16,590 ,1 ... 11 ••• 11 11 It tt 10 10 G.F. £ G.F. £ G.F. £ G.F. £ 3 " . .. ) j... 1,940 2,560 56 11 8 74 13 4 428 „ 10,000 10,000 tt ■•• It It 10 n South and Vince it Waifafld 1,600 46 13 4 429A Thomas Coke Hill 40,300 40,300 11 • •* 11 it 10 7.500 ' 222 8 6 429B 430* 430B R. Campbell, jun. Wm. Fraser Henry Campbell 9,200 10,000 4,5oo 9,200 10,000 4.5oo 11 ... 11 ••• 11 11 Jt tt 10 10 10 G.F. G.F. G.F. Vincent Stock in 421 1,670 700 48 14 2 20 8 4 r11 ••• 11 11 Wal'lae Lake ... Vincent 43i R. and R. Campbell 14,000 14,000 11 11 11 10 ... l ] 1,200 35 o o 432 433 437 438 D. A. Cameron William Fraser Strode and Fraser Joseph Rodgers 9>500 7,5oo 12,000 35,°o° 9,5oo 7,5oo 12,000 35,ooo 11 ••• n •«• Feb. 3, 1883 Oct. 1, 1879 10 10 10 10 G.F. G.F. G.F. G.F. .. 14 1,000 i.55o 1,600 in 420 29 3 4 47 13 2 46 13 4 11 Oct. 1, 1880 i» Lake ... Waitaki Maniototo Lake Stock 11 ••* G.F. £ } 150 439 F. G. Dalgety ... 9,000 9,000 „ ... 11 11 10 1,000 55 8 4 440 444 445 446 448 J. Robertson and Co. Thomas Bell ... F. G. Dalgety ... M. McLeeman ... J. G. Brown ... 100,000 5,500 15,000 2,000 5,000 100,000 5.5oo 15,000 2,000 5,000 11 ••■ 11 ••• 11 •■• Jan. 30, 1875 March3, 1883 Oct. 1, 1884 Dec. 3, 1883 10 10 10 10 iG.F. G.F. Waitaki Cluth;. ... Fiord ... 5,000 1,000 1,500 480 550 145 16 8 29 3 4 43 »5 o 14 o o 16 o 10 Surrender accepted. Wasti Lands Board, 17/10/77. 11 ... 11 ••• 449 „ ... ... 20,000 20,000 11 '•• April 6, 1884 Sept. 6, 1884 10 ... I ... V'allaee Fiord r ... Wall_ce Vincent Lake Walla;e Fiord ,.. Wallace 1,000 29 3 4 450 „ ... ... 5,000 5,000 11 •«• 10 45° 13 2 6 454 455 456 A. Chalmers ... Geo. Ludeman... ... A. Cameron 300 40,000 7,000 300 40,000 7,000 i» ••• 11 ... Jan. 1, 1884 Oct. 1, 1884 10 10 G.F. G.F. Stock 300 in 419 1,500 8 15 o Stock includes 460. 1, ... ii ii 10 43 '5 o 457 D. Manson 40,000 40,000 ,1 ... 11 if 10 C ... J }... 75° 21 17 6