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I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts of the Provincial District of Taranaki for the halfyear ending 30th June, 1877, and find them correct, and that the expenditure shown in the said accounts has been properly classified, and that any part of it which may have been incurred without the authority of the law is separately shown. Clarence Rennell, New Plymouth, 16th August, 1877. Deputy Auditor.

PKOYINCIAL DISTRICT OF WELLINGTON. Abstract of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account of the Provincial District of "Wellington, for the period from Ist January, 1877, to 30th June, 1877, classified from Treasury Statements.


PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF TARANAKI— continued. .bstkact of Eeceipts and Expenditure of the Provincial Liabilities Account — continued.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ ». d. Brought forward ... 10,418 17 9 7,59111 a Brought forward ... £ a. A. 27,412 5 2 Unauthorized — con tinued. Advances Repaid— continued. Volunteer Land Scrip ... 7,030 0 0 Land Fund ... ... 909 12 0 " Pavments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... ... 90 14 8 Railway ... ... ... 158 1 9 Land Purchase ... ... 6 0 0 Miscellaneous Expenditure, — Charitable Aid ... ... 15 0 Other Expenditure ... 194 6 6 Salaries of Provincial Officers, temporarily employed ... 362 16 3 Compensation to Provincial Officers ... ... ... 219 8 8 £27,412 5 2 19,391 2 7 Balance ... 429 11 4 £27,412 5

j\ r.vji-iL 10. Dbdinaby Revenue, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Licensee ... ... ... 38 0 0 Pilotage ... ... ... 7 17 4 Tolls ... ... ... 614 7 6 Sheep Assessment ... ... 259 18 9 Capitation ... ... ... 91 7 2 Incidental Receipts,— Hospital Maintenance ... 45 1 0 Lunatic Asylum Maintenance 26 0 0 Lunatic Asylum, sale of unserviceable articles ... 12 0 Sale of Horse and Cart (Survey Department) ... ... 25 0 0 Sale of copies of Acts ... 4 9 0 Sale of olil Tools, Tents, &c. (Engineer's) ... ... 16 1 7 Eent of Immigrants' Cottages, Featherston ... ... 6 11 0 Eent of Immigrants' Cottages, Masterton ... ... 20 14 0 Eent of City Council Offices ... 100 0 0 Eent of Oflice, Land and Deeds 65 0 0 Eent of Stamp Office ... 20 0 0 Fees for registering Cattle Brands, Wanganui ... 2 5 0 Use of Dip-yards, Wanganui ... 1 15 0 Tracings supplied ... ... 3 0 0 Fees for Branding ... ... 0 15 0 1,349 4 3 rEEEITOEIAL BeVEXITE, — Balance at credit of Land Fund 221 4 6 Fees received under Native Lands Act ... ... 311 10 8 532 15 2 Refunds, — Salary, &c, twice paid ... ... 17 11 6 Advances Refunded, — By W. A. Fitzlierbert ... 150 0 0 „ C. P. Ponies ... ... 7 0 0 „ Chief Surveyor ... ... 3 0 0 „ F. Atchison ... ... 16 2 6 176 2 6 Carried forward ... ... £2,075 13 5

UDICTAL AND POLICE, — £ S. d. Gaol, Wellington ... ... 81 2 6 Gaol, Wanganui ... ... 3 16 Police Department ... ... 50 2 1 £ s d. 134 6 1 — Wellington Hospital ... 51 19 10 Wellington Hospital (unauthorized) ... ... 102 7 6 Lunatic Asylum ... ... 2 17 11 Charitable Aid ... ... 10 3 6 Charitable Aid (unauthorized) 12 15 0 180 3 9 Miscellaneous, — Printing and Advertising ... 91 13 Printing and Advertising (unauthorized) ... ... 30 11 7 Stationery ... ... ... 3 9 9 Puel and Lighting ... ... 6 1 10 Fui-1 and Lighting (unauthorized) ... ... 116 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized) ... ... 21 1 0 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized) ... ... 2,274 8 3 Miscellaneous Contingencies (unauthorized, passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 53 16 0 Telegrams ... ... ... 9 5 2 Wallace Annuity ... ... 12 10 0 2,503 6 4 IPECIAL, — Sheep Inspection 8 11 0 Iaeboues, — Lighthouse (unauthorized) .., 16 2 3 Lighthouse (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... ... 0 5 5 16 7 8 'UBLIC WoBKS AND UNDERTAKINGS, — Survey Department ... ... 1,207 18 11 Survey Department (passed by Commissioners of Audit) ... 22 0 0 Carried forward ...£1,229 18 11 £2,837 14 10