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No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby. (General.) My Lord, — Downing Street, 18th January, 1877. I have the honor to inform your Lordship that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have approved of the badge for the Elag of New Zealand, enclosed in your Despatch No. 93, of the 15th December, 1875, but without the letters N.Z. It is understood that this badge will be the one used on the flag flown by the Governor, as well as that flown by vessels belonging to your Government. A copy of the badge as prepared by the Admiralty for the Elag-book of that department is herewith enclosed. I have, &c., CARNARVON. Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., &c., &c.

No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Eail of Carnarvon to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. (Circular.) Sir, — Downing Street, sth Eebruary, 1877. I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the Eoreign Office on the subject of a proposed permanent Treaty of Commerce between this country and Austria-Hungary, which it is understood will be negotiated in the course of the present year. As at present advised, Lord Derby would seek to renew the general provisions of the enclosed Treaties, and I have to request that you will furnish me, at your earliest convenience, with the opinion of your Government as to what extent these provisions, whether in regard to duties or other matters, should be made applicable to the colony under your Government. I have signified my concurrence in the proposed Article relating to the inclusion of colonies in the Treaty. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government CARNARVON, of New Zealand.

Enclosure 1 in No. 4. Foeeign Office to Colonial Office. Sib, — Foreign Office, 19th January, 1877. In compliance with the request contained in your letter of the 10th instant, 1 am directed by the Earl of Derby to transmit to you, to be laid before the Earl of Carnarvon, copies of the Treaty of Commerce with Austria-Hungary, signed on the sth of December, 1876, the ratifications of which were exchanged on the 29th of that month. This Treaty, it will be perceived, is limited in its duration to the present year. With respect to the inquiry as to the alteration which Lord Derby proposes should be made in the permanent Commercial Treaty, which, it is understood, will be negotiated in the course of the present year, I am to state, for the information of Lord Carnarvon, that until negotiations are commenced, and any proposals to be made by the Austro-Hungarian Government are received, it is not possible to set forth the precise terms of the new Treaty in the form in which Her Majesty's Government would desire it to be concluded. Eor convenience of reference, a volume, compiled by Mr. Hertslet, of Austrian Treaties, which includes the Commercial Treaty of December 16, 1865, and the Supplementary Convention of December 30, 1869, which have been terminated by the Austro-Hungarian Government, accompanies this letter. As at present advised, Lord Derby would seek to renew the general provisions of these treaties; and the question with respect to which his Lordship is desirous of obtaining Lord Carnarvon's opinion is, to what extent these provisions, whether in regard to duties or other matters, should be made applicable to British Colonies. The draft of an Article to deal with this point is herewith enclosed, which seems better adapted