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And the question being put, That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question, The Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follows: — Ayes 3. Noes 10. Hon. Mr. Gisborne, Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Harper, Mr. Reader Wood. Mr. Johnston, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Moorhouse, Mr. O'Rorke, Mr. Rees, Mr. Rolleston, Mr. Travers, Mr. Wakefield. So it passed in the negative. Mr. Stout declined to vote. And the question being put, That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted, it was resolved in the affirmative. Motion as amended agreed to. The Committee then adjourned until 8 o'clock p.m.

The Committee re-assembled at 8 o'clock p.m. All the Members being present, The Chairman stated to the Committee that he had caused a letter, as follows, to be conveyed to the Governor's Private Secretary by the Clerk of the Committee : — " Sir, — " House of Representatives, 2nd November, 1877. " I am directed by the Select Committee of the House of Representatives appointed to search for precedents in relation to the question of privilege raised by Mr. Stout in the House thia day, to apply to His Excellency the Governor for the papers mentioned in the following resolution passed by the Committee : — " ' Besolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested to authorize to be furnished to this Committee the minute from his Ministers, recommending His Excellency to submit the correspondence between His Excellency and his Ministers, relative to the appointment of Mr. Wilson to the Legislative Council, together with any minute of His Excellency thereon.' " I have the honor to request that you will move His Excellency to cause the correspondence required by the Committee to be forwarded to me with as little delay as possible. "I have, &c, " William Fitzherbebt, " Chairman, Privileges of the House Committee. " The Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor." To this letter His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to reply as follows: — " The Chairman of the Privileges Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. " Government House, Wellington, 2nd November, 1877. " The Governor authorizes the production by the Government, to the Select Committee of the House of Representatives appointed to inquire into the question raised by Mr. Stout, M.H.R., relative to the ' Privilege,' of the original covering sheet conveying the advice of Sir George Grey to His Excellency, that the papers relating to the appointment of Mr. Wilson should be laid before Parliament. This covering sheet was simply approval, and initialled by the Governor. "NOBHANBY." Whereupon he had expressed his acknowledgments to the Governor in these terms: — " The Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has been appointed to preside over the Committee of Privileges, acknowledges respectfully the receijst of the memorandum signed by His Excellency, giving permission for the production of the papers asked for, and begs to express his acknowledgments for the prompt attention given to his request. " William Fitzhebbebt. " 8 o'clock, p.m., 2nd November, 1877." And, further, that he had addressed a memorandum as follows to the Honorable the Prime Minister:— " The Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has been appointed Chairman of the Committee on the Question of Privilege raised by Mr. Stout, presents his compliments to the Honorable the Prime Minister, and informs him that His Excellency the Governor has granted permission for the production of the papers relating to the appointment of Mr. Wilson, before the Committee. " The Chairman accordingly applies to the Prime Minister to cause the papers to be forwarded to the Committee, if he has no objection. " William Fitzhebbebt. " 8 o'clock, p.m., 2nd November, 1877." The Hon. Sir George Grey's reply thereto was laid on the table : — " Sir George Grey presents his compliments to the Speaker. Sir George Grey has directed that the papers applied for by the Committee shall be forwarded as soon as they can be found, but the enclosed note from the Under Secretary shows that they may possibly not be found before to-morrow morning." " Friday, 2nd November, 1877."