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Eepoet on Petition of Te Winiata te Pukohi. Petitioner states that in 1873 a block of land at Murimotu was adjudicated upon and determined in favour of 209 persons. He states that names of persons having no claim to the land were inserted, and that names which ought to have been inserted were omitted, and therefore prays that a rehearing be ordered. I am directed to report as follows: — That this petition is similar to No. 347, the report on which was brought up on the 17th October, 1877, and the Committee have nothing to add to the report therein made. John Bryce, 29th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Teanslation.] ko te kupu ate komiti mo eunga i te pukapuka-inoi a wlniata te pukohi. E ki ana te kai-inoi i te tau 1873 i whakawakia tetahi poraka whenua kei Murimotu, a whakataua ana ki etahi tangata c 209. E ki ana hoki ia ko nga ingoa o etahi tangata kaore o ratou paanga i whakaurua, ako nga ingoa o etahi tangata c tika ana kia uru kahore i whakaurua. Na reira ka inoi ia kia whaka-ritea he whakawa hou. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Ko tenei pukapuka-inoi c rite tonu ana kite pitihana Nama 347. Ko te whakataunga i oti ite 17 o Oketopa, 1877, a ko tenei kahore he kupu tapiri a te Komiti. John Beyce, Oketopa 29, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Herewini te Eangai and Others. Petitioners state that their land at Hikutaia, Thames District, was passed through the Native Land Court six years ago, and that, owing to the refusal of the Court to subdivide, things have been in an unsatisfactory state, inasmuch as they do not know where their boundary is; and they pray that some means may be devised to enable them to ascertain and fix their boundaries. I am directed to report as follows : — That this petition is virtually in the nature of an appeal from the decision of the Native Land Court. The Committee believe that it is not desirable that they should act in the capacity of a Court of Appeal from the Native Land Court, inasmuch as it is manifestly impossible that they can take sufficient evidence or devote sufficient time to a single case to enable them to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. In the present instance the Committee do not feel justified in making any specific recommendation. John Beyce, 29th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko TE KUPU A TE KOMITI MO RUNGA I TE PuKAPUKA-INOI A HEREWINI TE EaNGAI ME ETAni ATU. E ki ana nga Kai-inoi ko te ono tenei o nga tau i oti ai te whakawa c te Kooti Whenua Maori to ratou whenua kei Hikutaia ite Takiwa o Hauraki. A i runga i te kore kahore i whakaaetia etc Kooti kia wawahia te whenua kua tupu mai he raruraru notemea kahore i te mohiotia c ratou kei whea ra a ratou rohe. E inoi ana ratou kia kimihia he tikanga c taea ai te whakatuturu a ratou rohe. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Ko te ahua o tenei pukapuka-inoi he mea kia whakarereaketia te whakatau a te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. E mahara ana te Komiti c hara ite mea pai kia tv ratou hei Kooti whakarereke ita te Kooti Whenua Maori whakatau, notemea c kore rawa c taea c ratou te kohikohi he korero, te whakapau hoki he taima, c oti pai ai i a ratou he whakatau. Na i runga i tenei c mea ana te Komiti kahore c tika kia whakapuaki whakaaro ratou. John Bryce, Oketopa 29,1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Eeihana Tutana and Others. TnE petitioners, who are Natives of the Thames District, pray that their claims to certain blocks of land may be reheard. They allege that they have applied to the Government to allow a rehearing, but that their application was refused. I am directed to report as follows : — That the only evidence before the Committee is to the effect that, on the application for a rehearing being received by the Government, it was referred to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court, who saw no reason why a rehearing should be granted, and the Government, in consequence, declined to accede to the request. The Committee, from the evidence before it, have no reason for thinking that the decision of the Government in the matter was otherwise than correct. John Bryce, 29th October, 1877. . Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Keihana Tutana me etahi atu. Ko nga kai-inoi he Maori no te Takiwa o Hauraki, c inoi ana ko o ratou take ki etahi whenua me whakawa tuarua. Eki ana ratou kua tono ratou kite Kawanatanga kia tukua he whakawa tuarua a kahore i whakaaetia ta ratou tono. 6—l. 3.