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Eeport on Petition of Nepia Pohuhu and Others. (Presented in 1876.) This is a petition presented last session, and referred back in consequence of the Native Affairs Com mittee of last year not having reported an opinion to the House. The petitioners complain that various blocks of land in the Wairarapa have been improperly purchased, and state a variety of reasons in support of their opinion, some of which are difficult to understand. In some cases they ask that the land be restored to them, and in others that additional money be paid. I am directed to report as follows:— That the Committee have entered at some length into the subject-matter of the petition by the examination of Mr. Cooper, Under-Secretary, Mr. Clarke, of the Native Office, and three Native witnesses; but, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioners have not established a case that would justify a formal inquiry by Government, nor do the Committee think that such an inquiry (if held) would produce any definite result. John Bryce, 18th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Nepia Pohuhu me etahi atu. (No te tau 1876, i tukua mai ai.) Ko tenei pukapuka-inoi no tera tau i tukua mai ai a i whakahokia mai notemea kahore te Komiti mo nga mea Maori o tera tau i whai kupu tuturu kite Whare : — E ki ana nga kai-inoi i hokona hetia etahi whenua i Wairarapa, a c whakaatu ana i nga take maha hei whakakaha i to ratou whakaaro pera, ko etahi o aua take kihai i ata kitea te tikanga. Ko etahi o o ratou tono kia whakahokia te whenua ki a ratou, ko etahi kia utua he monike atu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare: — Kua roa te kimihanga a te Komiti i te tikanga o tenei pukapuka-inoi ara kua pataia a Te Kupa (Mr. Cooper), Hekeretari-Tuarua o te Koroni, a Te Karaka (Mr. Clarke), o te Tari Maori me nga Maori tokotoru. Engari kite whakaaro ote Komiti kahore nga kai-inoi i whakatuturu i tetahi take c tika ai kia tahuri te Kawanatanga kite kimi i nga tikanga o tenei mea, kahore hoki te Komiti i whakaaro ka puta he tikanga tuturu i taua kimihanga ma tu. John Bryce, Oketopa 18, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Karapiha te Arero and Others. Petitioners pray that a sum of money be paid them for land which, as they allege, was sold by their relatives. I am directed to report as follows: — That, after hearing the evidence of Mr. Mackay, the Committee have arrived at the opinion that the claim as set forth in the petition cannot be established. They cannot, therefore, recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the House. John Bryce, 18th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo bunga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Kaeapiha te Aeero ma. E tono ana nga kai-inoi kia utua he moni ki a ratou mo te whenua c kiia ana c ratou i hokona c o ratou whanaunga. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare: — I runga i ta ratou rongonga ki nga korero a Te Make (Mr. Mackay) c whakaaro ana te Komiti ekore c taea c ratou te whakatuturu ta ratou tono. No reira i kore ai te Komiti c kaha kite tono atu kite Whare kia whakaarohia paitia te tono a nga kai-inoi. John Bryce, Oketopa 18,1877. Tumuaki.

Eepobt on Himatangi Ceown Geants Bill. "Sous Committee have the honor to report that they approve of the general scope and intention of the Himatangi Crown Grants Bill now before the House of Eepresentatives, and have no material alterations to recommend in the Bill. John Beyce, 22nd October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te kupu a te Komiti mo eunga i te Tube mo nga Kabauna Kaeaati o Himatangi. E whakapai ana te Komiti ki nga tikanga me nga whakaaro i roto i te Ture mo nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi kei te aroaro o te Whare inaianei a kahore he kupu rere ke i maharatia c ratou kia kuhua ki roto. John Bbtce, Oketopa 22,1877. Tumuaki.