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kia kitea ai mehemea i tika te kupu a Te Wakana (Mr. Worgan) mo te utunga o te toenga a mehemea ka kitea c tika ana i utua ano me kimi kia kitea i utua ki a wai, a heaha hoki te take i utua ai. John Bryce, Oketopa 15, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Aropeta Haeretuterangi and Others. The petitioners state that, in 1873, at Wanganui, the Native Lands Court awarded a block of land known as Murimotu, containing about 46,353 acres, to the petitioners and other Native applicants; that they (the petitioners) have since discovered that several Natives have been erroneously included amongst the applicants, although having no real interest in the block; that they who were so wrongly included are now anxious to sell the land in one block, but the petitioners desire to promote settlement, and to dispose of the land in small blocks; and that, unless the error complained of is remedied, the matter will remain a source of discontent to all the real owners. The petitioners therefore pray that a rehearing of the claims to the whole block may be granted by the Native Lands Court. I am directed to report as follows :— From the evidence taken before the Committee it does not appear to be clearly established that some names have been wrongly included in the list of owners. The official papers show clearly that no absolute judgment has yet been given by the Native Lands Court. All that the Court has done appears to be that it has determined who are the persons who, according to Native custom, are entitled to have their names entered as owners of the block in the records of the Native Lands Court. Before the judgment of the Court can be finally given it will be necessary to determine the names of ten persons for insertion in the certificate of title. Several attempts appear to have been made since 1873 to do this, but without success, in consequence of differences among the Native owners. It will be impossible, even if considered necessary, to comply with the prayer of the petitioners until such time as the final judgment of the Court has been given. John Bryce, 17th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Aropeta Haeretuterangi ma. E ki ana nga kai-inoi i whakataua ki a ratou ko etahi atu c te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori ki Whanganui i te tau 1873, tetahi piihi whenua ko Murimotu te ingoa, tona nui 46,353 nga eka a kua kitea i muri iho nei c nga kai-inoi kua whakaurua hetia etahi tangata Maori ki roto i nga kai-tono ahakoa kahore o ratou take tika kite whenua. Ko aua tangata i whakaurua hetia ra c hiahia ana inaianei kite hoko topu i te whenua engari c hiahia ana nga kai-inoi kia nohoia taua whenua kia hokona piihitia te whenua. A c mea ana hoki ratou kite kore te he ra c whakatikaia ka waiho taua mea hei take raruraru ki nga tangata tuturu katoa o te whenua. Koia i touo ai nga kai-inoi kia whakawakia tuaruatia taua whenua katoa c te Kooti Whenua Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — I runga i nga korero i whakapuakina i te aroaro o te Komiti kahore i rite te kupu nei ara i whakaurua hetia etahi ingoa kite rarangi ingoa o nga tangata no ratou te whenua. Kei nga pukapuka oto Kooti te whakaaturanga kahore ano i tino whakaotia te whakataunga a te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. Heoti ano ta te Kooti he whakatuturu ki nga pukapuka ote Kooti i nga tangata c whai tikanga ana i runga ite tikanga Maori kia uru ki taua whenua. Engari i mua o te whakaotinga oto whakataunga ate Kooti me whiriwhiri nga ingoa o nga tangata kotahi tekau mo te Tiwhikete. Kua whakamatauria tenei i muri iho o te 1873 kihai i taea i runga i nga tautohe a nga tangata Maori no ratou te whenua. E kore rawa c taea te whakarite te tono a nga kai-inoi mehemea ia c tika ana kia whakaritea kia oti ra ano te tino whakataunga a te Kooti. John Bryce, Oketopa 17,1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of Hoani Enoka (No. 1). The petitioner, as a member of the Eangitane tribe, prays that his title to a reserve, said to have been promised him by the late Sir Donald McLean, should be recognized. I am directed to report as follows : — That this petition is similar in effect to one presented last session from the same petitioner, and reported on as follows: —" That such evidence as the Committee have been able to obtain goes to show that no such promise as that referred to in the petition was ever made, and the Committee cannot therefore recommend the prayer of the petitioner to the favourable consideration of the House." The Committee see no reason to alter the resolution arrived at by the Native Affairs Committee of last session. John Bryce, 17th October, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo runga i te Pukapuka-inoi a Hoani Enoka (Nama 1). Ko te kai-inoi no te iwi Eangitane, c inoi ana ia kia whakaaetia tona take ki tetahi Porowhita c kiia ana i whakaaetia mona c Ta Tanara Makarini kua mate nei. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare :— Ko tenei pukapuka-inoi c rite ana ki tetahi i homai i tera tau na taua kai-inoi ano a i penei te kupu ate Komiti i reira : —" Ko nga kupu i taea te whakapuaki kite aroaro ote Komiti c whakaatu ana kahore kau he kupu whakaae pera me tera i kiia ra, koia hoki i kore ai te Komiti c ki atu kia whiriwhiria paitia c te Whare te inoi a nga kai-inoi."