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ia otiia i whakapaua c Henare Eata hei utu i te roia i Poneke, ehara i te utu mo te whenua engari he pupuri i te kai-inoi kia noho tonu i a Henare Eata kia kaua c haere atu ki etahi pakeha atu. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Notemea kahore he korero whakamarama i whakapuakina kite aroaro ote Komiti, notemea hoki kua kimihia c te Hupirimi Kooti i mua tata atu nei te tikanga o nga kupu a te kai-inoi, kahore te Komiti c mahara he mea marama ma ratou kia whakapuaki whakaaro ratou kite Whare mo tenei pukapuka-inoi. John Beyce, Hepetema 18, 1877. Tumuaki.

Eeport on Petition of A. T. Patene and Others. The petitioners, being Natives of the Waikato, urge that Eoad Board laws should have no effect in their district, because the Maoris are not able to pay their rates, and the consequence will be that they will have to sell their lauds, and impoverish their descendants. The petition also contains arguments and objections against "The Native Land Court Bill, 1877." I am directed to report as follows: — That with reference to the desire of the petitioners to be relieved from road rates, the Committee do not deem it necessary or desirable to recommend any alteration in the law in the direction of further exemption of Native lands from local rates. And with regard to the statements and opinions of the petitioners upon "The Native Land Court Bill, 1877," the Committee recommend that they should receive the attention of the House and the Government, when the proposed legislation on the subject is under consideration. John Beyce, 18th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Teanslation.] Ko te Kupu a te Komiti mo eunga i te Pukapuka-inoi a A T. Patene ma. Ko nga kai-inoi he tangata Maori no Waikato, a c tono ana ratou kia kaua c whai mana nga Ture Eori Pooti i roto i to ratou takiwa notemea kahore nga Maori c kaha kite utu i nga tokowha, a ko te tukunga iho ko nga whenua c riro ite hoko ka rawakore nga uri. He kupu whakahe ano, kei roto i te pukapuka-inoi, mo "Te Pire Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877." Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei atu kite Whare : — Mo runga i te hiahia o nga kai-inoi kia kaua c tonoa he utu takowha mo nga rori i a ratou, kahore te Komiti c whakaaro he mea tika he mea marama ranei kia whakarerea ketia te Ture kite whakamama atu i nga utu takowha mo nga whenua Maori i tona tikanga o naianei. Amo nga kupu me nga whakaaro a nga kai-inoi mo "Te Pire Kooti Whenua Maori, 1877," c mea ana te Komiti ma te Whare ma te Kawanatanga c titiro a te wa c whiriwhiria ai te Ture c kiia ana ka homai mo taua mea. John Bryce, Hepetema 18,1877. Tumuaki.

Eepoet on Petition of Hone te Awa and Others. (Presented in 1876.) This is a petition presented last session, and referred back in consequence of the Native Affairs Committee of last session not having reported an opinion to the House. Petitioners state that they have been done out of their lands, situated near the Bay of Islands, inasmuch as they were induced to allow the name of one Parore to be the sole name in the grant. They allege that when the land was sold, and the price paid, they did not receive a single copper of the price, and that when they applied for a rehearing of their case before the Native Land Court the application was refused. They pray that £1,000 of the price should be paid to them, or that 12,000 acres should be restored. I am directed to report as follows: — That it appears from the evidence taken that applications for the re-hearing of the block were refused by the Governor in Council, in consequence of a recommendation to that effect made by the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court. The law gives the Governor in Council a discretionary power, and there is no evidence before the Committee to show that that discretion was not properly exercised. The Committee can do no more than refer the petition to the Government for their consideration. John Beyce, 19th September, 1877. Chairman.

[Translation.] Ko te Kupu ate Komiti mo runga ite Pukapuka-inoa a Hone te Awa ma. (No te tau 1876 i tukua mai ai.) Ko tenei pukapuka-inoi no tera tau i tukua mai ai a i whakahokia mai notemea kahore te Komiti o tera tau i whai kupu tuturu kite Whare:— E ki ana nga kai-inoi kua tinihangatia ratou i o ratou whenua c tata ana ki Pewhairangi notemea i whakaae ratou kia uru ko te ingoa o Parore anake ki roto kite karaati. E ki ana ratou, i te wa i hokona ai te whenua i utua ai te moni kahore ratou i whiwhi ki tetahi kapa o te utu a i ta ratou tononga kia whakawakia tuaruatia taua whenua i te aroaro o te Kooti kahore i whakaaetia ta ratou tono. E inoi ana ratou kia utua kia ratou £1,000 o te moni utu, a kite kore tena, kia hoatu ki a ratou kia 12,000 eka whenua. 4—l. 3.