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Repoet on Petition of David Williamson. Petitionee states that he was discharged, with two months gratuity, from the Armed Constabulary Force in consequence of being rendered unfit for service by an accident to his right hand received in the bush whilst assisting the Government surveyors. He prays for compensation for the injury he has sustained, or for some light employment. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner received injury while in the service of the Government, some light employment should be found him for which he is suited when opportunity offers. T. Kelly, 22nd November, 1877. Chairman.

Inhabitants of Motueka and Neighboueing Disteicts. Petitionees pray for the construction of a line of railway from Motueka through the Moutere and intermediate places to join the Nelson and Foxhill line at the most accessible point, and they state the advantage to be derived from it. I am directed to report that the subject-matter of this petition is one for the Government to consider and deal with. T. Kelly, November 22nd, 1877. Chairman.

Repoet on Petition of Thomas Thomson. Petitionee states that in 1862 he was employed by the Provincial Government of Southland as Assistant Harbourmaster. Since 1863 he has been employed by the Otago and Southland Governments as Harbourmaster until the coming into force of the Abolition of Provinces Act of 1875, when his services were continued under the General Government till 1877, when they were accepted by the Bluff Harbour Board. That the General Government terminated the engagement without alleging any fault or misconduct against petitioner. That his present employment under the Bluff Harbour Board is of a less advantageous nature as regards the prospect of a pension or cumulative compensation ; and he prays for redress. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner is not entitled to compensation in consequence of being transferred from the service of the province to that of the Harbour Board; but, iv the event of his services being permanently dispensed with by the Board, through no fault of his own, that he will then be entitled to compensation on the usual scale computed up to the time when he was taken over by the Board. T. Kelly, 22nd November, 1877. Chairman.

Repoet on Petition of T. S. Woolf. Petitionee states that, owing to a wound received in the Taranaki war, he has been incapacitated from manual labour. He received a pension of 2s. a day, which he mortgaged as security for a loan, and is now in very reduced circumstances. He prays for assistance, or for some light employment. I am directed to report that the Committee consider that the petitioner has no claim whatever against the Government. T. Kelly, 22nd November, 1877. Chairman.

Repoet on Petition of William Gaeeaed. Petitionee states that he did some work for the Provincial Government of Nelson in his capacity of Armourer, for which he has not received payment. He prays that his account, amounting to £4 12s. 6d., be settled, and that his testimonials from the English Government, which he values, be returned to him. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has already been ordered for payment, the Committee have no recommendation to make. T. Kelly, 22nd November, 1877. Chairman.

Report on Petition of Neil Beaton. Petitionee states that in 1873 he was owner of the schooner " Florence," and was arrested when in Auckland Harbour for larceny as a bailee of the various consignments on board, and was sentenced by the Supreme Court to three years' penal servitude. He complains that he was put in irons, and subjected to very harsh treatment whilst in gaol, which has permanently injured his health, owing to which he is unable to wOrk for the support of himself and family. He prays for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee have no recommendation to make to the House on the subject-matter of this petition, as the petitioner has his remedy at law if he has received illegal punishment while in gaol. T. Kelly, 24th November, 1877, Chairman.