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Return to an Order of the Souse of Representatives, dated 20th July, 1877. Ordered, " That there be laid upon the table copies of all correspondence relating to the sale of the Colonial Government steamer ' Luna' in or about the month of April last." — (Hon. Mr. Gisborne.)

No. 1. Messrs. W. and G. Tuenbull and Co. to the Hon. the Commissionee of Customs. Sib, — Wellington, New Zealand, sth April, 1877. Understanding that the p.s. " Luna " is for sale, we beg to offer you the sum of £4,000 for her as she now lies, together with all gear, tackle, stores, &c, belonging to her. If our offer is accepted we shall be prepared to pay cash on delivery. We shall be glad of a prompt reply. We have, &c, W. and G. Tuenbull and Co. The Hon. the Commissioner of Customs, Wellington.

No. 2. The Hon. G. McLean to Messrs. Tubnbull and Co. Gentlemen, — Government Buildings, Wellington, 6th April, 1877. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date, and to inform you, in reply, that the Government accept your offer made therein to purchase the p.s. " Luna," as she now lies, together with all gear, tackle, and stores belonging to her, for the sum of £4,000 cash on delivery. I have, &c, Messrs. W. andjGr. Turnbull and Co., Wellington. Geo. McLean.

No. 3. Keceipt from Mr. Best. New Zealand Treasury, Wellington, 10th April, 1877. Beceived from Messrs. W. and Gr. Turnbull and Co. the sum of £4,000 sterling, being purchasemoney of p.s. " Luna," as per agreement. W. Best, Receiver, Wellington.

No. 4. Messrs. W. and Gr. Tubnbull and Co. to the Hon. the Commissioneb of Customs. Sis,— "Wellington, 10th April, 1877. Kindly deliver to Mr. M. Kennedy the transfer to us of p.s. "Luna" on completion; also authority to take possession of the vessel. "We have, &c, "W. AND Gr. TUBNBULL AND Co. The Hon. the Commissioner of Customs, Wellington.

No. 5. The TTndee Secbetaey to Messrs. Tubnbull and Co. Gbktlemen, — Colonial Secretary's Office, "Wellington, 10th April, 1877. I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to acknowledge the receipt of a cheque for £4,000, being the purchase-money of the p.s. " Luna." Mr. Sawyer, who is at present in charge of the vessel, has been instructed to give up possession. I have, &c, Messrs. W. and Gr. Turnbull and Co., Wellington. G. S. Coopek.

By Authority : (Jeobge Didsbuet, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77.

Price 3d]