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I am glad to avail myself of this opportunity of recording my appreciation of the distinguished services rendered by Mr. Fox during the long period over which his connection with the public affairs of New Zealand has extended. I have, Ac, Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. Kimberley.

No. 24. Despatch No. B.—Bth February, 1873. —Transmitting the expressions of gratitude from Air. F. D. Bell for the honor conferred on him. Copy of Despatch from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. (No. 8.) Government House, Wellington, New Zealand. My Lord,— Bth February, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt ou the 4th instant of your Lordship's despatch of the 27th November ultimo, informing me that you have "had great satisfaction in submitting to the Queen the name of Air. Francis Dillon Bell, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, for the honour of Knighthood, and that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to sanction the grant of that dignity to Mr. Bell." 2. Air. Bell requests me to transmit the expression of his gratitude for the honor conferred on him. which has also produced a very favourable impression here among the Members of the Colonial Parliament and the public generally; for it is believed that this mark of the approval of Her Alajesty has been fairly earned by Mr. Bell, not only as Speaker of tho House of Representatives, but also as one of the leading public men of New Zealand —almost since the foundation of the colony. He has, moreover, been a member of several Ministries, and a Commissioner representing New Zealand in England at a critical period. 3. W Tith reference to the concluding paragraph of the despatch now under reply, Mr. Bell requests me to state that his London Agents, Messrs. Redfern, Alexander, and Co., of 3, Great Winchester Street Buildings, Old Broad Street, E.C., have instructions to pay the charges on tho Patent of Knighthood. I have, Ac, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. F. Bowen.

No. 25. Despatch No. 35.—9 th July, 1874. Notifying that Her Majesty had promoted Mr. Donald McLean to the dignity of a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Copy of Despatch from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor Sir James Ferhusson, Bart. (New Zealand, No. 35.) Sir,— Downing Street, 9th July, 1874. I have to request that you will inform Mr. Donald AlcLean that Her Majesty has been pleased on my recommendation to give directions for his promotion to the dignity of a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. I have, Ac, Governor the Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., Ac, Ac. Carnarvon.

No. 26. Despatch No. 20.—25 th February, 1875.—Conferring the appointment of Knight Bachelor on Colonel John Larkins Cheese Richardson. Copy of Despatch from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Alost Hon. the Marquis of Normamby, K.C.AI.G. (New Zealand, No. 20.) My Lord, —• Downing Street, 25th February, 1875. I have to acquaint you that I have submitted the name of Lieut.-Colonel John Larkins Cheese Richardson, the Speaker of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, to the Queen for the honor of Knighthood, and that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to recognize the very valuable public services of this gentleman by approving of his appointment to be a Knight Bachelor I request that you will inform Colonel Richardson that I have had much pleasure in submitting his name to the Queen for this honor. Tou will at the same time inform him that the patent of Knighthood will proceed through the Home Office as soon as it shall have been intimated by Lieut.-Colonel Richardson, through you, by whom the necessary charges will be paid. They will amount to £96 14s. 6d. I have, Ac, Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., Ac. Ac. Carnarvon.