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Forces, I had intended to recommend two other persons besides Major Heaphy as being worthy to receive it, one of whom is a Native, and who has by his gallantry established unusual claims to some such distinction. . 4. So many ties which connected the colonies to the mother-country being gradually rent away, I would venture to suggest that it has become the more necessary to unite them, by inhabitants of all parts of the empire sharing in honors and distinctions derived from their common Sovereign, as from the fountain of honor. I believe that such honors and distinctions would be most highly prized, and would greatly tend to keep alive a spirit of loyalty and personal attachment to their Sovereign amongst Her Majesty's subjects in every part of her empire. 5. If, therefore, such a course is possible, I would recommend that a special warrant should be issued, extending the distinction of the Victoria Cross to New Zealand and other colonies, some distinctive mark being placed on the decoration, which should show in which colony it was issued. 6. I feel sure that the General Assembly of New Zealand would cheerfully vote all funds necessary for paying all expenses incident to the extension and maintenance of this distinction in so far as the Colony of New Zealand is concerned. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., Ac, &c. G. Grey.

No. 8. Despatch (Separate). —Wellington, 10th November, 1865.— Re Knighthood to Mr. David Monro. Copy of Despatch from Governor Sir G. Grey, X.C.8., to the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P.

(Separate.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 10th November, 1865. Adverting to your private letter in which you informed me that the Queen had been pleased to give you permission to submit to Her Majesty the name of Mr. David Monro, Speaker of the House of Representatives in New Zealand, for the honor of knighthood, I have the honor to state that Mr. Monro informs me that he shall accept with much pride any token of Her Majesty's approbation which it may please the Queen to confer upon him. 2. I should, therefore, feel very much obliged to you if you would, in accordance with Her Majesty's permission, submit to the Queen the name of Mr. Alonro for the honor of knighthood. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. G. Grey.

No. 9. Despatch No. 100. —27th November, 1865.—Further relating to the claims made by Major Heaphy to the decoration of the Victoria Cross. Copy of a Despatch from the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., to Governor Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. (No. 100.) Downing Street, 27th November, 1865. Sir, — (Received at Wellington, 27th January, 1866.) I did not fail to communicate to the Secretary of State for War your Despatches Nos. 112 and 113, of the 12th of September, respecting the claims of Major Heaphy to the decoration of the Victoria Cross; and I have the honor to transmit for the information of yourself and of your Responsible Advisers copies of the correspondence which passed upon the subject. Tou will observe that Earl de Grey has under his consideration the question whether the existing regulations respecting the grant of this distinction should not be so altered as to admit of its extension to New Zealand and other colonies. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B. Edward Cardwell.

Sir F. Rogers to the Under Secretary of State for War. Sir, — Downing Street, 22nd November, 1865. With reference to your letter of the 26th of April, I am directed, by Air. Secretary Cardwell to transmit to you, for the consideration of Earl de Grey, copies of two despatches from the Governor of New Zealand: the first forwarding a letter from Aiajor Heaphy, praying that his claims for the A'ictoria Cross may be again considered; and the second, enclosing a memorandum by his Ministers relative to Major Heaphy's application, and suggesting that the distinction of the Victoria Cross should be extended to New Zealand and other colonies. I am to request that, in laying these despatches before Earl de Grey, you will move his Lordship to take into consideration the additional reasons which are submitted in support of Aiajor Heaphy's application. It would give Mr. Cardwell much pleasure if these reasons should be found to be such as would enable Earl de Grey to comply with the wishes of Major Heaphy and of the Colonial Government. I am, &c, The Under Secretary of State, War Office. F. Rogers.